CA - AZ "newbie run" Truck Haven Oct. 20 | Page 25 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CA - AZ "newbie run" Truck Haven Oct. 20

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yeah, most of the driving around would be fine, but there are a few trails with no go arounds....

Yeah im not gonna push it with the explorer, it is my DD after all lol.
Its okay this time, Tom Davis is staying home. So you won't hear; "its okay, you can make it".:confused::p::D

i think i'm just gonna sneak away in the ranger. it's only 104 miles, i'm thinking i'll be there around 4 or 5 tomorrow....

tbars, where do you want me to be on the freeway when I call you?

carlover, same question.



  • IMG_3039.jpg
    63.6 KB · Views: 210 me when you are leaving your house and i'll jump on the freeway behind you around lincoln/55...what channel will you be running on..???

 problem, i can do about 80 now so i can chase ya down...:D... is there any thing you need me to bring???

I'm trying to get out there afternoon-ish but we'll see. Need a co-pilot out there Tom? I can bring my helmet:D

You got 1st dibs Dave.:D This time we're convertible so it should be more interesting. :popcorn: Anyway I'm running with the newbies.

Two sinks in the RV...:thumbsup:

Dannyboy, I forgot a key element in your girl's route from San Diego to Truckhaven. SR-67 turns into SR-78 as you travel through Ramona. Just keep going east on Main St. I am also sending you a PM just to make sure you get this.

Hey Brian, can you PM the instructions to me to. I'm going in the backway.
Thank you officer, it was the dirt:D, i'll get some for ya....who is bringing the lumpia???...:scratch:

I will just post directions for the most direct route to Truckhaven from San Diego.

I-15 to Scripps Poway Parkway. East on SPP up grade to SR-67. Turn left or north on SR-67 up grade to Ramona. Half way through Ramona 67 turns into SR-78. Continue east on SR-78 (Main Street). Left or north on SR-79 at Santa Ysabel. Right onto S-2, left onto S-22. Down grade into Borrego Springs. Keep on S-22 about 30 miles until you hit S-86. Left or north on SR-86 to Marina Drive. Left on Marina, past the houses it turns to dirt, then take the right at the Y. You will see our camp in a few hundred yards. Happy wheelin'

I'm going to myself in the maybe with rig catagory now:( I've been messing with this stupid CPS thing for hours now, and I have to be back up in a few hours to take my in-laws to the airport:rolleyes: We'll see probally will not be out till dark or so I guess now:mad:

oh and the B2 is in no condition to make it out there and wheel right now, 4wd dosn't even work!

how long have there been houses on marina?

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