CenTex "Welcome Home" Meet | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CenTex "Welcome Home" Meet


Keep on wheelin John Rock
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
August 17, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
York, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer
Planning a "Welcome Home" meet and camp out for Zavaral, he is in the USAF and will be returning home to Texas on leave in Oct.
Zavaral has been there for us in spirit at the John Rock Run and Hamilton Run, but now he will actually be in the state before reporting in to his new post.

Date: Oct 15th

Meet at WalMart parking lot off of I35, Parmer Lane exit
Time: Between 2 AND 3 pm.
Meet will occur at zavaral's family land and will be a camping meet.

Planning to Attend:


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The date is the weekend of Oct 15th, it will be a primitive camping meet at zavaral's family's land. Let's welcome this airman back home!!

stay tuned

Good on ya mate for organizing this. Great stuff and makes me wish I was a wee bit closer!

in for updates here

Good on ya mate for organizing this. Great stuff and makes me wish I was a wee bit closer!

Thank You, Greg! It is a small thing to do for a servicemember and fellow Texan, I know what it is like to be stationed overseas for a few years and then come home. Wish you were closer to make it too!!

in for updates here

:D :thumbsup:

Thought more people would have been interested in this.

Thought more people would have been interested in this.

Still a way off, and we won't have more information until zavaral's rotation date gets closer.

In for updates. I may have something going on that weekend, but I don't know for sure.

Here are the plans. Everything has been partially set in stone. We will be arriving in Austin at 10pm on the 1st of October. We don't plan on leaving until around the 1st of November. So roughly we'll have a month if anyone wants to hang out and what not.
My wife and kid won't be staying the night over there just because she's about 6 months pregnant and well he's a little hellion being only a year and a half.
Sorry it took so long for me to even notice this, I haven't been on the computer in a while.

Ohh I also might have my 4 wheeler there so we can at least do that if we get bored. Theres not much out there just old farm land. Any ideas on things to do are more then welcome. But keep in mind my truck hasn't been moved but once in 3 years.

Glad to hear from you!! Understand how busy one can be preparing to PCS. My work hours have changed, I can't leave Gatesville until 1530, it will take me around an hour and half to get there.

Looking forward to the meet!!!

If it is the 15th put me down. If you have enough land we could always do skeet shooting or dove hunting (not trying to impose if I am). Let me know what yall need me to bring. As always I am happy to supply any legal needs.

If it is the 15th put me down. If you have enough land we could always do skeet shooting or dove hunting (not trying to impose if I am). Let me know what yall need me to bring. As always I am happy to supply any legal needs.

Its not much of land... about 25 acres. There aint anything in town, a grocery store and about 8 liquor stores.lol

Is it in Elgin? BTW, that area will probably still be under a burn ban. I am not 100% sure how we an properly warm food. I am thinking engine block, but that can get messy.

At any rate I will bring my washer board. The shotgun will probably make the trip as well, but only because the in-laws live in Hutto and I can get some hunting in on Saturday morning =-)

It will be good to finally meet ya, and see everyone else. Hopefully, this time I won't overheat and pass out.

It is in Elgin. I was thinking we could meet somewhere in austin right of highway 35 and convoy out there since its kinda hard to find. let me know any ideas.

Hwy 290 and Cameron road? I hear it is a nice part of town.

I was more thinking 35 and Parmer. Its alitte bit better then Cameron Rd. Hell I'm down for a drive through Austin or what ever. Once I get my truck up and running i have 3 years of catching up to do with it. lol

Well try and keep up with me then. If you choose Reaper, NICE59FORDF100, or TxPlates you will have to stay awake for the remainder of you leave. I'm cool with meeting in town. Just let me know what I can do to help ya out.

Put me down for being there.

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Kris if your comingi need to see.the jp truck. If its complete. Hell i might just stop by your place throughout the.time im there and hang out.
