Cheap air bed at Target | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cheap air bed at Target


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
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City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Yes, I absolutely consider this an offroad accessory! :D

Can't find a link, but in today's Target flier, they have a clearance on Greatland queen size air beds for $13.

I've had a smaller size for a year now, and I love it for camping on runs. It makes sleeping in a tent almost like home. ;)


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Yeah, I used to sleep on two of those stacked up. They stay in the garage now. I'll take my air mattress any day!


I was amazed at how much such a little thing could do.

We do pad the truck quite a bit with blankets though i guess.
But in the wilderness they are an awesome addition to my pack.

Of course anything is a good alternative to cold granite I guess. ;)

Pretty good! for 13 bucks But you gotta get the battery powered one ;) That one is the best. Sence I don't have any air yet :(

American Science and Surplus magazine used to have a queen sized air matress for about 20 bucks. Well the guts from one made out of very heavy canvas-like material. It blows up to be about 8 to 10 inches thick and sleeps great.

I have a Coleman airbed and i can say air is the way to go. :thumbsup: Usually im in dad's 8ft. dually bed and it lays out nice and roomy in there. A cheap air matress is well worth the money.

That is..... of course.... if you actually sleep on it-


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LOL! You got the right idea... the wrong size though. :D

I bought a cheapy from Walmart before my last desert trip over new years. When I parked on it, my head was too close to the tent wall, so I kinda shimmied/slightly jumped it away from the wall. Suddenly the damn thing popped and I was lying on my ass, and froze all damn night. Found a bigass slit in the bottom of it in the morning...think I'll buy a better one next time than that POS :(

Air mattresses are awesome for camping! I put the back seats down and sleep on my air mattress in the back of my explorer.........."mobile tent" :D
