How to: - Convert V8 AWD to BW 4406 Manual Shift- A how to thread | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Convert V8 AWD to BW 4406 Manual Shift- A how to thread

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What is the option to having a switch placed into the dash for selecting 4wd low/high 2wd lo? This is instead of having the shifter knob near the legs of the driver.

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No one has yet done the Sport, but I think it can be done. The gas tank clearance is the only issue, the big BW4406 is close in the 4dr's. In a 2dr, it may take more work like I'm trying to do to get an electronic 4406 to work with a big tank.

Ask the guys who know the trucks better like Jamie, about the length differences between the 2dr and 4dr. Then you figure how much you need given how much clearance others have had with the manual 4406 in there trucks.

I have done the 5.0 swap into my 95 4.0 Ex,which means the 4r70w tranny had to swap in with it as well as the whole wiring system throughout the truck from a 98 mounty.Now i want to do away with the AWD transfer case.I scooped up a TC from the salvage yard out of an F-250 but led to the gas tank concern,so I measured my tank and I measured(4 door) and I measured a random Sport Ex at AutoZone.Icame up with aprox 10" diffrence between the two.I dont fill my tank up all the way anyhow;no sense in carrying around the extra weight when the gas station is always near by, so I'm doing the tank swap.

I have done the 5.0 swap into my 95 4.0 Ex,which means the 4r70w tranny had to swap in with it as well as the whole wiring system throughout the truck from a 98 mounty.Now i want to do away with the AWD transfer case.I scooped up a TC from the salvage yard out of an F-250 but led to the gas tank concern,so I measured my tank and I measured(4 door) and I measured a random Sport Ex at AutoZone.Icame up with aprox 10" diffrence between the two.I dont fill my tank up all the way anyhow;no sense in carrying around the extra weight when the gas station is always near by, so I'm doing the tank swap.

Well I want the biggest tank. I discovered that the old pre 95 tanks are plastic and a 4dr version of those is the same length as a 95-01 2dr Sport tank. Same length, exactly. The plastic tanks have far less wasted space around the sides. So I've got my old 93 Limited tank to figure out how to mount the 95-01 sensors into. Then the old 93 tank gives me the space for an electric shift BW4406. I bought a 99 Sport skid plate to mount under it, perfect fit.

Sounds like a great option I hadnt thought of.let us know how it all turns out.:hammer:

I just bought my Tcase, and drive shafts on Ebay for $244 shipped. I didn't get a shifter linkage, I am considering using a Transmission Shift cable to do a custom set up. I am considering placing the control end of the cable inside the console, with a knob on the end, so I can pull up to shift into 4x and push down to shift back to 2x.

I'm waiting for the tcase to get here so I can feel just how much force it takes to shift the tranny. Another thought I had was using a linear actuator to make a custom electric shift setup. I'll plan to take pictures and share what I figure out.

Any initial thoughts? Or did I miss a post where someone tried this sort of thing?

It would need to be pretty precise. There is very little movement required of the lever on the case to shift it. The shifter linkage effectively "gears down" the movement required. So, you move the in cab shift lever a lot more than the lever on case actually moves.

It would need to be pretty precise. There is very little movement required of the lever on the case to shift it. The shifter linkage effectively "gears down" the movement required. So, you move the in cab shift lever a lot more than the lever on case actually moves.

That might actually work for my idea of a lever or pull knob hidden in the console. How much force does it take to manipulate the Tcase? Like can you do it with your fingers, or does it take a good grip?

Hey Turdle, check your PMs.

I have shifted my case by hand many times. The hardest part is that with such a short lever that doesn't move far is that it is very easy to skip over where you want to go. Mainly, its tough to shift from 2HI to 4HI, as it wants to skip past 4HI into N, and then going the other way, it wants to skip past 4HI, from N to 2HI. It takes a little precision, and luck. ;)

I have my 4406 manual shift TC now, will the slip yoke from the EX fit in the tail shaft?
I know shaft will need to be shortened.

Great thread, the wireing is very useful. I know 410 had some problems finding the linkage/ shifter parts. I just got mine from Ford, so I figured I'd give you the numbers:

Lower lever (part that bolts to the transmission) F65Z7210BC
Upper lever (the rod in the cab) F65Z7210AB
Rubber boot F75Z7277AA
Linkage (piece that connects to the t/c) XL3Z7B051AA

Hope this helps someone out there looking into doing this swap.

What years do the upper and lower lever fit? or I should ask what years can they be pirated from?

Have all parts now :)

Are there measurements to cut the floor for shifter hole? so not to hack it all over.

almost done

couple of questions
1. what is the proper fluid for a manual shift 1997 4406 transfer case and capacity?

2.what boot did you converters use for the manual shifter?

almost done

couple of questions
1. what is the proper fluid for a manual shift 1997 4406 transfer case and capacity?

It should be the same as original: ATF[/COLOR]

2.what boot did you converters use for the manual shifter?

Go back to pages 1 and 2 of this thread there is good info there.

Question? I recently was at the UPAP, and found a 98 "light duty" f250. I knew these existed but have never seen one. It looked just like an f150 body of the same year. pretty cool, anyhow, it had the 5.4 and a manual shift transfer case with complete linkage, boot, knob, etc. Anyone know if this is the 4406? Or did Ford put in another type being that this was an "f250"? I'm sure it is gone now but for future reference.

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Cool, thanks! I didn't look underneath the truck becasuse I was not wanting to get too dirty to check the tag, But I've seen a couple of these f250 LD's recently and they both had a manual shift transfer case. I'm going to go back and hopfully, they'll still have it.
