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Disable LED Signature Lights

I am wondering if it is a FORScan setting?

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I believe Peter? On here said it was earlier this weekend.

Think I found it...

Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 8.50.49 PM.png

Not sure if you have the lane keeping system.

But this is the change you need to make.

Cool. You can make that change and you can do what I did with the led as your daytime running lights.

Have you used FORScan yet?

Cool. You can make that change and you can do what I did with the led as your daytime running lights.

Have you used FORScan yet?
I have not...

I have not...

Read through that post that Peter provided. It should be helpful. Ask questions there. It seems hard, but if you follow directions it works.

You can change many things.

Read through that post that Peter provided. It should be helpful. Ask questions there. It seems hard, but if you follow directions it works.

You can change many things.

I'll have to check it out, kinda makes me nervous. Thank you

.........Curious what is Auto Engine Off, its checked in my my display under Vehicle...
see Automatic Engine Shutdown, page 169 of your Owner's Manual, 2nd edition.


I had the install done this morning and it works like a charm. The guys put a toggle switch to the left of the steering wheel and so far so good. No error codes, warning lights, or annoying dings. From now on I'm just going to leave my headlights on the auto setting and flip the switch when I'm doing surveillance. The switch also keeps the interior lights from coming on when I turn the engine off so that's a plus. I don't know if I would even benefit from the "dark mode" tweak at this point, but if the dealership will do it for me I might as well give it a shot.

Now if I could just get the horn to stop blowing when I walk away with the truck running! I've read the other threads about it, and it looks like my only option there is to just disconnect the horn. That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for me since I have an air horn on my siren control, but it still seems crazy.
Any idea how the switch was connected? I just acquired me car and need to kill the lights for surveillance. Thanks.

Any idea how the switch was connected? I just acquired me car and need to kill the lights for surveillance. Thanks.
Welcome to the Forum Rob. :wave:
The member you quoted was last seen here on November 26, 2015. I doubt that the member is still following this thread/forum.


I had the install done this morning and it works like a charm. The guys put a toggle switch to the left of the steering wheel and so far so good. No error codes, warning lights, or annoying dings. From now on I'm just going to leave my headlights on the auto setting and flip the switch when I'm doing surveillance. The switch also keeps the interior lights from coming on when I turn the engine off so that's a plus. I don't know if I would even benefit from the "dark mode" tweak at this point, but if the dealership will do it for me I might as well give it a shot.

Now if I could just get the horn to stop blowing when I walk away with the truck running! I've read the other threads about it, and it looks like my only option there is to just disconnect the horn. That wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for me since I have an air horn on my siren control, but it still seems crazy.
Why don't you do the same thing, put a toggle switch on the horn?

Why don't you do the same thing, put a toggle switch on the horn?
Welcome to the Forum David. :wave:
Just to clarify, he was asking about how the switch was connected in order to turn the lights OFF.


Any idea how the switch was connected? I just acquired me car and need to kill the lights for surveillance. Thanks.
If you have no use for them just disconnect the brow light wire from the harness and don't bother with the switch. No matter what you do the front bumper cover/grille has to come off...just FYI...

If you have no use for them just disconnect the brow light wire from the harness and don't bother with the switch. No matter what you do the front bumper cover/grille has to come off...just FYI...
My last question is how do we disconnect that wire? Is there a pin remover where we slip a paper clip/pic like item in and it releases that wire? Want to have an idea before I have to assemble it all back to go search for more parts.


They make an aftermarket Police Interface Module (PIM) that will do several things with lighting. They call their proprietary system "Blackout Mode" Parked or low speed total darkness for Law Enforcement.

Its plug and play.

That's a great resource for RVs as well. Thanks for the link.

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My last question is how do we disconnect that wire? Is there a pin remover where we slip a paper clip/pic like item in and it releases that wire? Want to have an idea before I have to assemble it all back to go search for more parts.
Been a minute since I did it but I believe it's a no tool removal. Like a locking thing you lift up and just remove the wire/pin.
