Eta 9/15!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eta 9/15!!!


January 31, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Platinum
Just got off the phone with my dealer. Order placed for my Ex 7/30 (changes made 8/3) with an ETA of 9/15!!! That's much quicker than I thought and fabulous news! Can't wait! BTW... For anyone who followed my other posts, I officially ordered the Tuxedo Black after debating a few color choices.

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Just got off the phone with my dealer. Order placed for my Ex 7/30 (changes made 8/3) with an ETA of 9/15!!! That's much quicker than I thought and fabulous news! Can't wait! BTW... For anyone who followed my other posts, I officially ordered the Tuxedo Black after debating a few color choices.
Good news for sure. Hopefully there won't be any delays. The waiting game moves to the next level. :)


Just got off the phone with my dealer. Order placed for my Ex 7/30 (changes made 8/3) with an ETA of 9/15!!! That's much quicker than I thought and fabulous news!...
Talk about an awesome update, RN2003AZ! I shot you a follow-up PM. :):thumbsup:



You made a wise choice of color! Enjoy!


You made a wise choice of color! Enjoy!

Nice… near Walmart and Roosevelt Field Mall right? I live right near there on the South Shore!

Awesome choice in color. It is my color to. Good luck waiting. I don’t know how you could do it! Luckily mine was at the dealer already so I just waited 3 days.

Update... It's here! I'll be picking it up tomorrow afternoon!!!! Will post when I get my new toy!

Update... It's here! I'll be picking it up tomorrow afternoon!!!! Will post when I get my new toy!
Congratulations. Now just try and control yourself a little bit. :bounce::party::bounce:


You made a wise choice of color! Enjoy!

Really no picture does the tuxedo black justice. You have to see it in person to see the complexity of the metal flake that is in it. When you take a picture it just looks black :(

Your absolutely correct! Picks don't do the color justice!! Looks best in the sunlight!


You made a wise choice of color! Enjoy!
What a gorgeous ride, GeoMimi89; thanks for posting the pic! :D

Update... It's here! I'll be picking it up tomorrow afternoon!!!! Will post when I get my new toy!
I see you already picked up your Explorer, RN2003AZ; no picture, no proof! ;)

Really no picture does the tuxedo black justice. You have to see it in person to see the complexity of the metal flake that is in it...
Your absolutely correct! Picks don't do the color justice!! Looks best in the sunlight!
13Sport & GeoMimi89,

This is some great advice, guys; the Tuxedo Black Metallic really deserves sunlight! :):thumbsup:


Would love to post a pic but....

The site won't let me! I love the color... The metallic is fantastic in the sun. Now I just need to keep it clean during these crazy New England winters!

Would love to post a pic but....The site won't let me! I love the color... The metallic is fantastic in the sun. Now I just need to keep it clean during these crazy New England winters!

I posted these tips on another thread, but I’ll share them here too: You can use a number of free image hosting sites (which can be found with a quick internet search)! Then, use the URL for the image when you click on the “Insert Image” button.

You could also use the ‘IMG’ tag like this:

[IMG]Insert Image URL Here[/IMG]

