Exo'in the X | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exo'in the X

A general idea


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Its going to need way more bracing all around or its just going to bend into the body.

I wouldn't remove the roof past the rear doors. You will also need alot more triangulation in my opinion. It's not a bad start but it the way it is doesn't look strong enough. There's a BIG area between the front and rear doors that is totally un-supported in that picture. I would really consider stealing an xj design, yeah they are unibody but build some sliders that stick out abit more and tie the frame into that (some internal support may also be good). Hell if i though though, i tend to overbuild haha

Thanks for pointing out the ovbious champ (the body lift is also coming out, so it wont look so silly) :D Tires are on the list.

Nice work, but I really dont like that look, its been done before. ;) But I may steal your braces at the front and back, they look better and safer than my idea.

IZ - The sas is begenning to get moving again, this will all be going on at one time. Im going to use a d30 to get everythintg mocked up and maybe driving, and later throw in a 44 when it gets built.

As for the design itself, it was just a general idea so dont rip it too hard yet. Its no where near finished, but keep on coming up with ideas im new to the whole cage thing so an "expert" opinion is welcome :p

My plans were to run a brace all the way to the frame right behind the drivers door, and triangulate it alot like joshc did his behind the seats. I just couldnt accuratly show that in paint. It will have gussets at all corners, and at the top it will be triangulated like that one zj in a previous link and gusseted to the body as well.

this is what we are shooting for http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1383318&postcount=7

And for the canvas top some of you might be wondering about, I was planning on welding 1"x1" tube or like a 1" plate all around the cut edges, and use this as a point to attatch a cover so its more of an all weather driver friendly vehicle.


I guess im not that original :( http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95789&highlight=cage

My idea with less sheetmetal http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59662&page=1&pp=20

Are you keeping the doors? A pick-up style look but you want it to look like JoshC's? You could just copy his then and keep the front doors, or maybe I'm still confused on what you want?

Im keeping the front doors, this will be a daily driver in the winter and around town whenever I feel like it so everything will have to pass the pa state inspection. It wont look like JoshC's when its done, I just liked his brace structure for behind the seats, nothing else. The second doors will be there, just chopped in half and possibly just welded shut.

And that last picture is almost exactly what im shooting for.

just remembered this as well, I looked at my doors today and I dont think I can run a brace outside the body in between the doors and keep them functional, unless the brace sticks out far.

essentially, and I want to move the tire closer to the driver, to help with the center of gravity. Plus it will open up the back for tool boxes on either side, ive also seen neat racks that people bolt those airtight ammo cans too so dont be suprised if i have 5 ammo cans in my bed.

See above post, i mentioned michaels, it is pretty sweet.


A few more, I really need to get on CAD.


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I'm not chopping my top, but my friend and I have been thinking of building tube fenders for mine, new bumpers, and tube doors, so that I can later add to it and go with a full exo cage....it'll probably be similar to the XJ in IZwack's post.

tube fenders w/o an exo cage? Id like to see some more of that.

I had a total brain fart there, I see em all the time on jeeps but for some reason I couldnt picture them on an X. Were you planning on removing the whole fender and going to one with a flat top like alot of jeeps use, or just run a single tube like the picture? Or just run one outside of the stock fender?

I'm making an exo for my Chevy Luv right now. I'll take pics when I'm one. Basically, I'm building sliders and attaching the cage to them. Oh yeah,and I'm using poop pipe. :D

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sn0border88 said:
I had a total brain fart there, I see em all the time on jeeps but for some reason I couldnt picture them on an X. Were you planning on removing the whole fender and going to one with a flat top like alot of jeeps use, or just run a single tube like the picture? Or just run one outside of the stock fender?
Still not sure. It won't stick out any more than the stock fender does now. I might run a piece of tubing on the top, each side, and then around where the wheel well will be, then fill in everything in the center with sheet metal. (basically steal the poison spyder customs fenders for Jeeps idea, and transfer it over to Explorer body lines)

If I don't do that, I might just put a piece of tubing around the wheel well and trim it all out. Hard to explain, but no matter what, in the end it's gotta look really good. I'm not gonna hack the body to hell w/o it looking clean.
