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Explorer 'A' pillar replacement

Anyone that has replaced the two piece
A pillar molding; is there any trim adhesive under the part that bolts to the vehicle? Thanks in advance

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Anyone that has replaced the two piece
A pillar molding; is there any trim adhesive under the part that bolts to the vehicle? Thanks in advance
Your thread was moved to this one. There are several pictures that may address your question regarding the 'A' pillar. Has yours come off or is it lose? If replacing the item, be sure to get new clips with it.


A car wash tore the cheap, flimsy outer A-pillar trim off the right side of my car, so I ordered a new cover. Actually, I bought two Chinese ones. The rubber strip that goes around the windshield has also torn off, although it looks like only the outer part is gone.

Regarding the cover, do I need anything other than the new cover in order to fix my A-pillar? Clips? Adhesive? Anything?

Regarding the strip, I am seeing prices like $80 for a piece of rubber that should cost $8. Can I just go into a parts store and buy a generic seal?

You will likely need new clips. After several repaired 'A' pillars on the earlier models saw them come off on the highway, Ford then began including the clips as part of the repair.
Do you have the part number for that strip?
Your thread was merged with this one found using the handy 'Search' feature.


Thanks for the help.

The cheap plastic the molding is made from is so weak, it broke and spared the clips. They're like new.

Now it looks like Ford will not sell me the rubber junk that goes under the molding.

Jalopnik says the NHTSA is investigating this recurring problem.

Toyota and Honda from now on.

I found out Rock Auto makes a kit, and it includes the inner and outer moldings as well as the weather stripping and clips.

It's expensive at $176, but it costs around a third of Ford's prices.

Hopefully, the next time these fall off, Uncle Sam will have forced Ford to do a recall and a redesign.

Rock Auto part: WKTD1843

Driving at highway speeds, the driver A-pillar cover detached flew off from the '17 Sport with no warning, luckily did not hit heavy traffic behind me.
Bought explorer new, never ran through car wash, always hand wash, never in an accident. Looks like the plastic tabs just gave due to the vehicle speed and perhaps helped that it's winter ~32F.
I'm going to report to the NHTSA, can't believe this isn't a recall yet, since this can easily cause an accident if the cover flies off and hits the vehicles behind.
Any good/cheap source for a replacement cover?

Driving at highway speeds, the driver A-pillar cover detached flew off from the '17 Sport with no warning, luckily did not hit heavy traffic behind me.
Bought explorer new, never ran through car wash, always hand wash, never in an accident. Looks like the plastic tabs just gave due to the vehicle speed and perhaps helped that it's winter ~32F.
I'm going to report to the NHTSA, can't believe this isn't a recall yet, since this can easily cause an accident if the cover flies off and hits the vehicles behind.
Any good/cheap source for a replacement cover?
I'd stick with OEM parts and you will need new clips as well. I believe Ford now packages them with the molding.
Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. Coupon Codes for Forum Members
Call Benny and verify that the plastic clips are included. He is very helpful.


2019 XLT. I lost both A pillar covers while my wife was driving. The first one with 4k miles on the car. Levittown Ford replaced this one under warranty. The second one came off also while driving at about 50k last year. I had gotten a recall notice so I brought it in and discovered the recall was for two little plastic plugs on the roof rail. I paid to replace the A pillar and it was almost $500! Killed me to pay that, but my wife was so startled, I was afraid of an accident if I attempted it and it happened again.
FINALLY, there is a recall. Biner Ford (where I had the work done the second time) said I will receive a refund once the recall goes into full effect mid 2024.
I would reccomend bringing the car in and having Ford do the repair with Ford parts. To much liability if you do it yourself and it fails again. Flying debris can cause major accidents.


FINALLY, there is a recall. Biner Ford (where I had the work done the second time) said I will receive a refund once the recall goes into full effect mid 2024.
I would reccomend bringing the car in and having Ford do the repair with Ford parts. To much liability if you do it yourself and it fails again. Flying debris can cause major accidents.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
There is a thread on this recall.
I was wondering about possible refunds for those who have paid for this issue.


Ok, I went ahead and took some pics in the process...

My exterior moulding broke a few months ago due to road debris, and the inner moulding took some damage, so I bough the new parts finally to replace them.
SInce I had no exterior moulding, I started by removing the inner moulding...

View attachment 329866

no big deal...

View attachment 329867

The new inner moulding with the 7 plastic tabs, and the old one. Notice there is an 8th tab (not shown) that clips on the marked hole. This tab comes attached to the exterior moulding.

View attachment 329868

The new inner moulding in place...

View attachment 329869

The new exterior moulding in place, just apply some pressure, so the tabs can clip into the holes.

View attachment 329870

NOTE: Be careful if you need to remove the exterior moulding, since the tabs can easily break. Start from the top, and work your way down...
Where did you find the inner molding strips?

Where did you find the inner molding strips?
Welcome to the Forum Matthew. :wave:
The member you quoted was last active here on October 31, 2019 so likely isn't around any longer.
FYI, there is a recall on the 'A' pillar trim piece. If you are having an issue with it, take it to the dealer to have it fixed.

