Found my waggy axle today....maybe? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Found my waggy axle today....maybe?

Well, I had quite the day in the junkyards today. First time really hunting through the junkyard. I took a buddy with me who has some junkyard experience. :) We visited the two Pick-A-Part yards in my region, walked for what seemed like hours through ankle deep mud with no luck. The only wagoneer we found was a 74. (I think I will go back for the flat top knuckles and outer shafts off this waggy). On the way home, a little disappointed I decide to try another "they pull the part" junkyard, and sure enough they had two of them on the rack(one from an 86 and one from an 88 waggy).

Me: I'm looking for a 80-81 or 85-91 Wagoneer front axle.

Guy at Counter: What gear ratio are you looking for?

Me: Doesn't matter.

Guy: (puzzled look) Well we've got two, 86 or 88.

Me: How much?

Guy: Either one for $300

Me: :eek:

Neither axle comes with the leafs, one of them supposedly only has 78k miles on it. Do you guys think that's too much to pay??

And here's my other question, I measured both axles and they were 60.5" WMS-WMS. I thought they were supposed to be 62.5" according to this:
Did I actually find the right axle? Did they come off a wagoneer? They had the track bar bracket thingy on the top of the passenger side tube like i've seen on here on others Waggy axles. Any thoughts?

Oh, and the parts puller guy that I rode in the truck with to where the axles were asked me what year I was putting it in. I told him an 02 Explorer Sport Trac. His response, "Good luck with that one". LOL. Then he proceeded to tell me that I would have a hard time matching up the gear ratio with the rear. He said in "those trucks" the ratios are different in the front and rear and the transfer case is geared to correct this. What in the HELL was HE talking about. I think he had just been sniffing too much brake fluid or something? I told him "Well, I guess I'll have to do a little more research on that one."

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There are narrow track and wide track Wagoneers. You found 2 narrow track axles. Pretty common. I paid the same price for my narrow track waggy. So I think the price is right on par.

There are narrow track and wide track Wagoneers. You found 2 narrow track axles. Pretty common. I paid the same price for my narrow track waggy. So I think the price is right on par.

Ahh. That makes sense. Thanks for the response. I took some measurements of my stock axles when I got home. Looks like the 60.5" is actually closer to my stock axle length than the 62.5". Of course, when I add the 5x5.5 adapters to the rear it may make the rear slightly wider than the front. I guess that's no biggy. The extra 1" per side might have helped me clear the springs with my wide 36x15.50's on 18x10 with 4.5" backspacing. Worse case, I guess I can add wheel spacers to the front to solve both issues. I actually have wheel spacers on there now to clear the control arms.

I think I might try a couple more yards around here to see if I can find a wide track, if not I will go back and get the narrow track. The printout at the yard said the two axles they had have been there since 91 & 92. So I guess there is no rush to get them before they sell.

Ahh. That makes sense. Thanks for the response. I took some measurements of my stock axles when I got home. Looks like the 60.5" is actually closer to my stock axle length than the 62.5". Of course, when I add the 5x5.5 adapters to the rear it may make the rear slightly wider than the front. I guess that's no biggy. The extra 1" per side might have helped me clear the springs with my wide 36x15.50's on 18x10 with 4.5" backspacing. Worse case, I guess I can add wheel spacers to the front to solve both issues. I actually have wheel spacers on there now to clear the control arms.

I think I might try a couple more yards around here to see if I can find a wide track, if not I will go back and get the narrow track. The printout at the yard said the two axles they had have been there since 91 & 92. So I guess there is no rush to get them before they sell.

Do sport tracs have the explorer rear axle? Buy the super 8.8 kit, they have 5x5.5 pattern shafts available for that. No spacers needed.

Are you going to run ford outers or combo chevy/ford to get the 5x5.5? I have 5x5.5 on my wagoneer axle, used chevy knuckles and small bearing spindles with bearings and hubs off a Ford axle. worked out nicely. The small bearing spindles are what make it all work.

Do sport tracs have the explorer rear axle? Buy the super 8.8 kit, they have 5x5.5 pattern shafts available for that. No spacers needed.

Are you going to run ford outers or combo chevy/ford to get the 5x5.5? I have 5x5.5 on my wagoneer axle, used chevy knuckles and small bearing spindles with bearings and hubs off a Ford axle. worked out nicely. The small bearing spindles are what make it all work.

Yeah, its 8.8 rear. In my research I hadn't come across mention of super 8.8 kit. Thanks for the info. Just googled it, wow pricey. (Just like everything else I'm gonna need :) ) I think I'll probably start with the wheel adapters ~$100, wait until I break a rear axle, then upgrade to super 8.8 ~$550.

I was planning on buying the 5x5.5 conversion kit on ebay. Which is basically what you described with ford hubs/rotors and chevy small spindle.

You don't have to do the super 8.8 kit to do the 5 x 5.5. A lot of aftermarket / alloy shafts are double drilled for 5 x 4.5 and 5 x 5.5.

Just buy wheel adapters/spacers for the rear and be done with it. It will help since the waggy axle is wider then the stock IFS.

Just buy wheel adapters/spacers for the rear and be done with it. It will help since the waggy axle is wider then the stock IFS.

Hey Chad, does your trac have the 60.5" waggy narrow trac or the 62.5" wide track?

Also, how much clearance do you have between your tire and spring at full turn? What width tire with what wheel backspacing?

Thanks for all of your help.

62.5" axle. Clearance for the tire depends on how far you set the stops. My tire comes real close to the springs, but it works for me. My tires are 12.5" wide, dont know the backspacing of my wheels maybe 3.75" ???
