How Do I Get Herculiner Off of My Hootus?! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How Do I Get Herculiner Off of My Hootus?!

Well, 12 hours later and I still get a chuckle out of this. Anyone ever hear of the Darwin Awards? I bet you could get something... Or maybe make it on Paul Harvey... :) Any publicity if good publicity!

In reality, hope it all goes well. That's gotta be damn uncomfortable.

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I think that maybe the expansion and contraction of the said hootus over a period of time may cause the material to break away. The Herculiner that is... If not...well...who needs ribbed condoms!!

Gerald, I didn't know you needed a traction aid down there..

I'd try "Orange Goop". It's supposed to remove things like this.

Otherwise, use a wet a rag with acetone and wipe gently...

Even if you have already solved this problem, I think you should call the manufacturer and tape record the conversation. I would pay to hear their response.

Damn, nobody told me I should have put on my Depends before reading this thread! I just pi$$ed my pants. I am LMFAO. I thought I got into pre(dick)aments, but Gerald this one takes the cake! AND YES, I want the pictures. I think it'll make a nice wallpaper for my desktop!!
Sorry, Gerald! :D

Good Luck!?!

I don't think any expansion of the said hootus would be in your best interest since it has obviously adhered itself to the hootus skin. If you suspect any unforseen expansion "arising", quickly make a mental picture of Roseanne Barr trying to get into a spandex workout suit until the expanding problem has "shrunk" back to its original state.


This wasn't a publicity stunt designed to attract attention to said hootus, was it? Have you been lonely lately? :D

This thread has had me in stitches, which is what you'll be in if you try to just peel the herculiner off.

I hope that this has a happy ending! For some reason, the name Bobbitt keeps popping up in my mind. Don't know why...

:bounce::bounce::bounce: Thats the cheapest way to get around birth control that I have ever seen.

LMAO You people are so cruel! I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time. You should hear the people in my office as they read along behind me...

Never heard of anyone using Herculiner to waterproof their DINGY!! :bounce:

Kind of reminds me of Drew Cary and the dirty thoughts symdrome after tripping over his dog, JUST THINK OF MIMI!!!! :D

To keep your HOOTUS safe, Don't think of HOOTERS. :confused:

:rolleyes: I am SO happy everyone is enjoying themselves.... :D

At least it wasn't Krazy Glue!! :nono:

Gerald - all my co-workers got a kick out of it too :).

That's just great.....

Have a little mercy here. At this rate I'm going to end up in the newspaper. Just how many of you are showing this to all your coworkers? I thought we were a cozy little family here.....

This is way to funny. I am still wonder if this is true or if you are just setting us up for a way late april fools joke. I would try talking to Tim Taylor from home improovement to see what he would do!

"Progress" report

Well, I bit the bullet last night (nearly literally!) and tried to clean it off with the Xylol while I still had a chance before it completely cured. Kids, do not try this at home. My neighbor probably heard my reaction. I'm gonna be like Uncle Joe and movin' kinda slow for a few days.

I'm leaving tomorrow for a river trip tubing down the Guadalupe River and hopefully a day long soaking in cool water will help out :D

And Ryan was right. Once it cures, nothing removes this stuff. All the Herculiner I still have on my hands, arms, and hootus are just going to have to wear off. Even MEK won't cut it now, it's sort of like a permanent ink stain. Hope it's not a tattoo. :(

Originally posted by GJarrett
I thought we were a cozy little family here.....

Family yes, but you have no clue how big this family is :D

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LMAO he uses "Hootus" as if he were saying "leg"!

Anyways, man I bet that hurt :eek: Maybe a nice long soak in the water will help. If it takes it off too quickly though, I'd get out. Especially if there are a lot of three eyed fish around...
