How much tire can a dana 44 handle. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much tire can a dana 44 handle.


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
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Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
In my ranger with about a 100:1 crawl ratio.

With stock axle shafts?

With alloy shafts and u joints?

I am thinking I could make 37"s work with the stock shafts if I stay pretty nice on it.

With the alloys do you think a 39" will hold up. That is alot of weight out there.

For what it is worth with 35"s I have broken one shaft and hub. The hub i think was just bad to begin with. The shaft broke with the wheels turned in reverse trying to pull some one out with 100:1 engaged.

I can't afford the alloy shafts and tires but I don't want to buy to small of a tire cause they will probably last me 10 years.

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37s should be more than do-able on a stock D44 as you don't have the weight that the Explorer's have. True, you have more gear but you also have a lot less weight to push around. Look at Bill with his 37s on the TTB; if he was running that combo on a Explorer he would probably be breaking a lot more stuff than what he is/was.

I say 37's too. That will get you just about anwhere. Look at FatCat, he's on 39.5 or something and he said he for sure go back to 37's because he kept brakeing shafts.

Find some 37's;)

If you're easy on it, you could probably rock the 39s and upgrade as money lets you.

I'd say 37's too -- especially with alloys and a Ranger.

Just take it easy when most of the vehicle's weight is on the front axle (nosed down).

I would also say 37s on stock axles, just be smart when driving it. Also I would tack the u-joint caps to the axle yokes for extra insurance.

With alloys and joints I would say 39s would probably work. At that point you are starting to stress the ball joints pretty good and other components such as your hubs and locker.

I ran 37s with alloy shafts on my 94. I snapped an ox joint and the shaft did not tweak whatsoever. The guy who suggested the setup said they were running that size joint/axles combo on a V8 powered CJ with 40s and had yet to brake anything to date.

Also, for tires in that size there is no reason to buy new for an offroad truck. I've picked up numerous sets of 35s and 33s on Craigslist for $200 a set 37s are available too. They're not the best of tread, but then again after I wheel a brand new tire on a trail they don't look too good anymore either.

I have a set of Superduty street driven 37x12.50x17 BFG MTs with around 50% tread and no rock rash that I'm selling. I was asking 500 for the tires with a set of 17x9 wheels. Why don't you and Froader split this pair down the middle? You then would just need to find some 17" wheels in your bolt pattern.

^ and with that new 17" Steelies from Summit were only about $200 bucks;)

If Colin is up for it then I am game for that deal. Might have enough ti get the alloy shafts as well.

I we can find me some decently priced 35" 'E' rated tires for them, I'll go for it. Dan already has my axles, might as well get the wheels at the same time. Though I was looking at getting black 18s, maybe I'll have Dan send these to JT and get them PC'd. I'll search for tires and let you know.

Colin is Too Cool for Pro Comp Tires.

I say go 35" BFG Projects...Hmmmm, Kinda like the set you just had.

Tires are sitting inside so they are not getting any AZ weather damage FYI.

Hmmm, now I wonder if I should part out my 44's alloy shafts? I better not, some day I know I will use that axle, when where and how is a different story.

So I just found out that a 'D' load rating would be ok for me... That makes this a lot easier.

Winter has 2 - 37x12.5x17 Baja t/a (projects), and is giving me a "best buddy" discount, so I just need to find 2 more of these.


The van is getting 37s *****es! I'm in...


well, I just found this on Craigslist and I know this guy

Toyo MTs
I have a complete set of m/t's on 17" rim size... full tread just some nicks out of some of the lugs from the were used just for testing.. first $400.00 takes em... e-mail me @ or come by the shop. 3015 E. Main St.#103, mesa...85213


4 BFG Baja T/A tires 37-12.5-17 $600 obo
4 Goodyear GSA tires 37-12.5-17 $600 obo


Since i'm not a trailer queen yet, I think 37's are the max size tire I feel comfortable driving with on and off the trail. I can maintain a comfortable 75-80mph on the freeways and still have a good sized tire for the trails.

I'd go 38's with cro-mo shafts and a trailer, 39's seems to be pushing it but that's just me.

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Mine does great with 37s. I found that when I was locked up (with a detroit), 37s were too much for wheeling with stock shafts. I broke shafts, ujoints, locker, and a hub. Now that I have alloy shafts and superjoints, I also got an ARB and it seems indestructable. It was pretty much indestructable with open diff and 37s though. I went back to that when I broke everything and it held up to some serious wheeling abuse. So 37s with an open diff and stock shafts, if you have a locker I would suggest alloys. had great prices on my goods.
