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February 2, 2020
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5.0l v8 Ford Explorer XLT
I saw a post of a picture of a saleen style explorer and i love that look and want to sorta recreate that but in my own way and want my explorer to be a little faster, by little i mean i want a blower in it. i just dont know where to start what to buy first, i dont care about exterior look right now just want to get the engine first. 2000 ford explorer xlt 5.0l 2wd with 330k miles, a blower or some sort of top mount turbo. Any other ideas are welcome too

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I saw a post of a picture of a saleen style explorer and i love that look and want to sorta recreate that but in my own way and want my explorer to be a little faster, by little i mean i want a blower in it. i just dont know where to start what to buy first, i dont care about exterior look right now just want to get the engine first. 2000 ford explorer xlt 5.0l 2wd with 330k miles, a blower or some sort of top mount turbo. Any other ideas are welcome too

Ford 5.0's are a very reliable engine and they can certainly make a lot more HP over stock. Just look at the Mustang 5.0L crowd. That being said I don't think putting a blower on an engine with 330k on it is wise. The 5.0L's can go 300k+ pretty easily, but adding boost to an engine with that kind of mileage is foolish IMO.


If you want more performance and your engine has 340k mi on it, perhaps a performance rebuild would suit your needs.

With flow benched heads/intakes, T/B bore, performance dual cross flowed exhaust and a fresh balanced bottom end you could easily 350 to the pavement with your 5.0L OHV pushrod and great reliability for another 330k mi.


If you want more performance and your engine has 340k mi on it, perhaps a performance rebuild would suit your needs.

With flow benched heads/intakes, T/B bore, performance dual cross flowed exhaust and a fresh balanced bottom end you could easily 350 to the pavement with your 5.0L OHV pushrod and great reliability for another 330k mi.

not exactly

speed is a matter of money. how fast do you want to go. want something with grunt? you will want a stroker motor. you also have to keep this in mind. are you daily driving it? do you care about fuel mileage?
for blowers, 2 companies had them. powerdyne and explorer express. you will once in a blue moon find a EE m90 kit go up for sale, powerdyne hardly. there are no turbo kits for these trucks, you would have to scratch build one for it.

I'd do the Saleen XP8 stuff, and just rebuild the engine and trans. Unless you love the truck and are okay with putting $5k-$10k into what is worth maybe $2k or so, tough choice.

Here's a couple of XP8 pictures;


  • XP6 #35 Saleenmark3.JPG
    XP6 #35 Saleenmark3.JPG
    174.4 KB · Views: 92
  • XP6 #35 Saleenmark4.JPG
    XP6 #35 Saleenmark4.JPG
    173.3 KB · Views: 87

Yes I agree those Saleen Explorers are very sharp! As others have mentioned with over 300k miles on the engine I wouldn't suggest adding a significant amount of additional horsepower without re-building the current engine or installing an upgraded engine while you are there. We do offer some phenomenal 5.0L engines and would be happy to get an estimate going if interested, feel free to give us a call, PM or email.

Here is a link to the shortblock engines on our website for more info.
