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Hunterdan's 98 Sport

Here are a few pictures of my 98 Sport about a year after I got it. This is just a few days after I had 31" Toyo Open Country AT tires installed.




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Here are a few pictures from a wheeling trip to Rausch Creek in September of 07. Recent upgrades at the time where my exhaust, new 31" BFG AT's, Aluminum gas door, bumper lights, lower valance removed and my spring pack was changed up, went with a monoleaf and the 3 springs from a 4 door pack.




Upgraded Lighting

I finally decided to give in and buy an HID conversion kit. I've always done a ton of driving in the dark and prefer to be able to see well and be seen. I've messed around with tons of bulbs, silverstars, silverstar Ultras, extra visions, high wattage bulbs etc.. I bought a kit off of ebay and installed it. Here are some pics from that install. As well as my new Hella lights installed.

Here are the Hellas installed:



New Stereo

I recently just upgraded my stereo from a Kenwood unit to a JVC KDPDR-30. Its a cd/MP3/WMA/Ipod unit with an auxiliary input. Here are a few pictures along with my Sirius receiver mounted. You can also see in the picture of my sirius receiver 2 switches, the far left is for the Brown wire mod that I did, and the other is an ABS disable switch.

I figured I would add in a sound clip of my truck with my exhaust

Looks good Dan! Maybe this spring/summer, see if we can get a group to go to Rausch.

More pictures, recently waxed in the nice weather





I washed and waxed my truck yesterday for the first time since September, picked up a new wax I saw at the Philly Auto Show, IBIZ. The stuff was great and is easy to use. The last one is of my fuel door. It doesn't fit completely flush and I added the lock on there because the magentic mechanism kept breaking Eventually I may end up replacing it completely because its too modified to put the original door back on. I like it, makes it stand out a bit more.


Looks good, wish I could do that but the way our yard is when I drive through it, I just sink and make mud come to the surface.

Looks good, wish I could do that but the way our yard is when I drive through it, I just sink and make mud come to the surface.

I usually do too, but its starting to dry out some. Since we have 3 cars in the family, and only 2 fit in the driveway, I take the yard. We keep talking about putting some stone down where I park, but it hasn't happened yet.


nice sport

Lookin' sharp Dan. Can't wait to get 'er muddy again with ya Sunday. :thumbsup:

Me neither, theres nothing like a shiny just washed and waxed truck with a fresh coat of mud on it.


Newest mod... Rear steer... Kinda...

Was on my way into work when i decided... I wanted rear steering and this nice pretty young girl decided to pull out in front of me and give me rear steering... This is the result..


Notice the shock oil on the ground, both shocks blew out, the driveshaft popped out, and snapped the leaf spring and bent the hell out of the other end of it. But I think my custom shock mounts held up...


damn...don't that just f**kin suck.....glad your alright though... any damage done to the floor boards?

Not sure, I'd like to go see it, but I don't have a ride at the moment to see it. Hopefully I will be able to go check it out later tonight and get all my tools out of it as well as my sub. I might have the shop do the body repairs and I can handle the axle and replacement springs.

Oh ok, didn't know if you got to check it out much or not.

I think the floor boards held up well... It all depends on how the frame handled it. If the frame is still straight, it should be a fairly easy repair. If not, it may be totaled.... I don't want to see it go though. I just realized... I just filled it with gas too......


Just goes to show you what grade 8 or higher bolts can do for you. The spring sheared right where it tapered, about 2-3 inches from where it bolts to the forward hanger. My only concern is if the frame got tweaked. As long as the springs sheared before anything else twisted, I should be good to go. But if the repair bill comes up to more than book then the insurance might total it. In which case I might buy a new truck... Been looking at expeditions lately...


On a side not... my black chrome housings came in today. They look so good.. I just want to see them on my ex, but not sure if thats going to happen or not.

Yeah...hope your frame isn't bent or anything. I wasn't sure about the floor boards because wasn't sure which way the shocks broke or the leafs, since they have alot of pressure riding on them. If it happens to turn out they want to total it, do you plan on buyin it back as just a trail truck maybe?

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Im not sure at this point, as I don't have the room here to store it or work on it. If I was in the poconos, I would consider it, but I'm not. I mean, if someone here wanted to buy it as is for like $750-$1000, I might consider it, if its totaled. Otherwise, it was in great running condition.
