Introducing Midnight our 2020 ST | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Introducing Midnight our 2020 ST


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
My wife, Charlotte, chose the name. She once had a black cat named Sunshine, when she saw this one she had to use the opposite name. This ride is replacing her 2011 Scion XB Release Series 8.0. It was a nice car for quite awhile, but it wound up having a ton of problems, in my opinion much too early in it's life.


Photographed here with my 1993 Explorer which I bought new in 1993.


This is the earliest photo I have of my '93 Explorer. I lifted it and re-geared the axles when it had just 500
miles on the odometer.

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Nice ride Rick. Hope your wife loves it.

Very nice ride :)
Does the 2020 have a 4x4 low?

Congratulations guys!!! That 3.0 twin turbo is an awesome engine. Really love the 2021 platinum we got. Very happy with the new Explorer!!


Congratulations Rick.


Some fun facts...

1991 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4X4
0-60 mph 11.2
Quarter mile 18.0

2020 Ford Explorer ST
0-60 mph 5.2
Quarter mile 13.8

OMG you have an ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are sooooo sweeeeeeet looking and holy fast!! The best part is everyone will get out of your way because the ST's look just like the cop cars :)

Well done, good choice Rick and Char!!! Congrats

OMG you have an ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are sooooo sweeeeeeet looking and holy fast!! The best part is everyone will get out of your way because the ST's look just like the cop cars :)

Well done, good choice Rick and Char!!! Congrats

This so happens in our '16. You can jump out of slow lane after some one and they freak. It's pretty funny.

Congrats on the new ride Rick....I mean Char. :p

So only another 475 miles until the 35's go on, right!:laugh:

So only another 475 miles until the 35's go on, right!:laugh:

I showed the salesman photos of the Pumpkin and told him that it had been modified since it had just 500 miles. He was quite surprised to say the least. :D

Wow, that's a surprise. A good one. Nice ride Rick! I mean Char! ( who gets to wash it?)

I bet it drives real good. I'm jealous. I'll admit it.

Wow, that's a surprise. A good one. Nice ride Rick! I mean Char! ( who gets to wash it?)

I bet it drives real good. I'm jealous. I'll admit it.

Thanks Jon.

Char has never washed a car by hand as far as I can remember. ;)

Congrats on the new ride! Looks great!
Expy won‘t fit in my small garage so went with a Lincoln Nautilus last year. Twin turbo ecoboost and AWD.
The new Ford stuff really is nice.

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