Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Page 43 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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That looks SICK John...

I think it looks so much better than before even, and it looked good then. I don't know if I could ever bring myself to get it dirty though...

I am on a quest to save factory wheels from being shoved in a corner and neglected.

I really think stock wheels fit the style of the truck, all they need is a little help to be one of a kind, truly custom. They do get noticed, believe me.

stock backspacing helps larger tires tuck in without rubbing--;)

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Yes, I have a few sets of 15's. I have the 93-95 Limited wheels that all have clear coat cracking, the 98 steel chromed wheels that no one likes, one 16" tear drop(3 stolen), and 5 94-97 Cobra wheels. I have snow tires on those 16" wheels that you have Jon, Sport Trac wheels. They don't go over my big front brakes, but they fit the OEM 2001+ brakes.

Someone needs to get a set of stock first gen wheels done (sawtooth style). I'd like to see what those look like.

I'd love to get mine done, but no cash and no spare wheels to put on while it's down. Plus that means I'd have to make the rest of my truck look good to match :(

I think it would also be cool to do the bumpers to match the paint. That would look cool (hint, hint :D)

Smoked chrome Cobra Wheels

first 2 pictures with flash, last 2 without. You can see the Television reflection in the pics without the flash






I want those wheels!

Those do look great, and the color would work too. I've never been a fan of the thin spoked Cobra R wheels. I'd like to see something with less air space, thicker spokes, in that smoked chrome. My 95 Cobra wheels still might be a good choice, but they are for my LSC(245/50/17).

Those do look great, and the color would work too. I've never been a fan of the thin spoked Cobra R wheels. I'd like to see something with less air space, thicker spokes, in that smoked chrome. My 95 Cobra wheels still might be a good choice, but they are for my LSC(245/50/17).

Just slap some bigger rubber on them, 275's are as wide as you can go without rubbing on the upper control arms though.





i cant even begin to explain how much i love this look

Muuurdaaaa... next thing would be some flat black paint :) -- that wold make me run and lock myself inside my house.

I have had a wrecked 94 GT for many years. It needed a radiator support and the apron corner, the frame work, and a front end. I had a bodyman(friend?) convince me to invest in it to make money, then he never had time to do it.

I have had a wrecked 94 GT for many years. It needed a radiator support and the apron corner, the frame work, and a front end. I had a bodyman(friend?) convince me to invest in it to make money, then he never had time to do it.

I'll talk to a guy with a rear-ended 96 v6 if ya want me to.

That would be nice, but maybe later in Spring. I need a lot of things caught up here to get to that project. Thanks for the idea.

Jon, name the engine that these parts belong to? Look closely at the brackets(hint-shorter) for the coils, accessories, and the power steering pump. I'd like to get a set of those brackets.


  • AUS Falcon XR8 302 2.jpg
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That's what I'd like to have them for. Those are from an Australian Falcon XR8. It's evidently the same as our Explorer 302 except for the cam and lack of EGR. A guy on SBFtech posted pictures of the donor engine he started with. He has now a 347 in a Nissan 4WD truck, with a slick custom intake(eight injector stacks, in a box plenum). He didn't use any of the accessories but the PS pump. I'll keep those in mind if I ever get to my Lincoln.

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