Moab! May 31-June 2, 2002 | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab! May 31-June 2, 2002

Dinner is reserved at the Branding Iron saturday night. 5-10 dollars should get 1 their meal here. There web site address is on the main Moab Itinerary. Hope this helps. I cant wait. Ill see you guys Friday afternoon.

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Alec, PM me. You've come up with a good suggestion and so has Leebo and Peter. Let me know for sure what you want to do and I'll update the itinerary per your wishes.
Crappola! I will NOT have the opportunity to hook up next week with the local welder and have my rocksliders made. I'll be showing up without running boards or rocker panel protection, unless I do it lopsided and leave my leftside one on (Tellico toasted my right board). How are the ledges on Golden Spike? I fear a potential whoops in the making.

Gerald, There are a lot of ledges on Golden Spike, I don't recall if any are rocker bashers though.

Originally posted by GJarrett
Crappola! I will NOT have the opportunity to hook up next week with the local welder and have my rocksliders made. I'll be showing up without running boards or rocker panel protection, unless I do it lopsided and leave my leftside one on (Tellico toasted my right board). How are the ledges on Golden Spike? I fear a potential whoops in the making.
I haven't received anything more than a partial mount for my rocksliders yet :rolleyes: So we may end up with matching rocker panels if something does happen :eek:

Its ok though. . like I've always been told "Chicks dig body damage". . :cool:. . :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Jefe
Its ok though. . like I've always been told "Chicks dig body damage". . :cool:. . :rolleyes:

Yeah, me too.... (except I've noticed that it's always guys that quote that, but I've never heard a chick say that).
Rick, concerning Golden Spike, I guess I'll learn as I go. Jeff, you've got 35's. You go first :D

Originally posted by Rick
Gerald, There are a lot of ledges on Golden Spike, I don't recall if any are rocker bashers though.

I don't remember anything either. I still had my nerf bars on then and we didn't hurt them any. I even had the tupperware on at that time.

You should be O.K. I think Gerald. Hope this helps.


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Originally posted by GJarrett
. . .Jeff, you've got 35's. You go first :D
It'd would be a nice change to be in front of you at Moab. . .:) I think I followed you the entire time last year.

If there are empty seats Char and I may do ride alongs on Saturday. I sure would like to devote a day to photographing and video taping the rigs.

Rick I will have two open seats. Ill be there Friday afternoon. Has anyone planned there friday dinner?

Brian, there's no need for Friday apre-run plans. Moab Brewery will be the place to be of course :D

Should they be way too crouded remember we'll stay on CB ch1 for alternate plans, but true Explorers always enjoy the Moab Brewery :chug:

Gerald or Jefe

I still have the bars I had on my 95 Explorer, they are just made from running board brackets, 6ft of 1/4 inch round pipe they just bolt to the factory running board holes. They are not the best looking and not as good as frame mount bars but would work better then haveing nothing. I hope this picture works.



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well I am up too any kind of gathering the more the better but the Brewery sounds Great!!!!!

Rick I will have a couple extra seats, not quite what you are used to but it can go!

Originally posted by GJarrett
Brian, there's no need for Friday apre-run plans. Moab Brewery will be the place to be of course :D

Should they be way too crouded remember we'll stay on CB ch1 for alternate plans, but true Explorers always enjoy the Moab Brewery :chug:

Opps, we goofed up. Last year Friday night we just had McDonalds. Then one other time we came in and I was so tired we got something on the way to the motel. I guess we aren't true Explorer's or maybe we are just cheap. :p :D

Moab Brewery sounds great to me. If anyone has cell phones it would be great to get a couple #'s so that I can call when I get in town. I will be there early afternoon Friday and would like to get ahold of some of you. Thanks.

Brian Cell# 214-597-5385

Shouldn't have to worry to much about finding people in Moab. The town is mostly just one main street and that's it.
Last year we drove into town checked in the motel and drove around town and found a few people right away at the store.

Looking forward to meeting all the new people.

Johnny, Brian gave you the right info on Saturday nite's dinner, but I'd bring more than five bucks, lol.

Rick, I'm alone and have plenty of room, so you and Char are welcome in my vehicle Saturday if you want to.

Wade, thanks, but I've literally torn out the running board mounting holes on my right side (from using the body mounted running board as a rockslider and flexing the L brackets) so I HAVE to use frame mount now.

Perry, the Moab Brewery does have good food and serves other drinks besides brewskies, so there's no reason teetotalers can't have a good time there too!

I'm leaving in 7 days :bounce:

Gerald, This is very important. :D This place will have other cold adult beverages besides beer right? Im not a beer drinker at all. Rum and Coke will work. :) Thanks.. Just thought I would need to know that after my drive in.

Originally posted by offroader_69_me

Rick I will have a couple extra seats, not quite what you are used to but it can go!
don't forget you promised me a seat too, LOL. I may just hop from one vehicle to another... whoever wants to let me ride shotgun, LOL.

My cell phone number is (801) 362-1207. I will be driving from the Provo UT area very early Friday morning to make the Friday run.

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One More From Texas

The Red Bull is going to Moab!

I asked myself, What do you do when you don't have a job or any money? The only answer I could come up with, that was any fun, was to go to Moab :D
