My 2001 XLS 4x4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2001 XLS 4x4

In April of 2004 I traded in my 1999 Ranger for a 2001 Explorer 4x4. Since it was a 4x4 I originally had intentions of making it all about offroading. However after consideration, I decided instead to make it sort of a Jack-of-all-trades type vehicle. That is, I wanted it to be comfortable for where it would spend most of its time, on the street, yet still capable of having alittle fun off road. I also recently set a goal of improving its gas mileage up to a fairly consistent 20mpg.

Stuff thats done so far,
# American Racing Baja Wheels 16x8
# Toyo Open Country A/T 265/75/16
# Smittybuilt grill guard
# Cobra 75WX CB/Weather radio
# Wilson 500 CB Antenna
# Torison Twist and shackles for 2in lift
# Rancho RS5000 shocks
# Silvania Silverstar headlights
# XCalibrator from BamaChips
# MAC Intake (off ebay)
# Mustang 70mm TB

Future Mods:
# Flowmaster exhaust



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Once again Congrads

Nice X you got there

Looks good :thumbsup:

Did you got to North Gwinnett? How old are you?

Well today I finally got around to installing a Mustang 70mm TB and a MAC Intake. The intake was $130 off ebay, and the TB was 120, also off ebay. Note that the other TB's member's have used are more expensive as they include a TPS, however I used the one I already had, and saved some coin (around $70 i believe). If the original TPS is difficult to remove, try heating the heads of the screws with a soldering iron as they are probably held in with lock-tite. This worked on one screw for me, had to cut the other one off. If you forget to get a new TB gasket like I did, you will most likely have to cut off the parts of the original gasket that make sure it only goes on one way. Also, there will be parts of the original gasket that extend into the opening, these must be on the bottom for the TB to be able to open. If that didnt make much sense, it probably will when you get the gasket off and see how it's made. The only issue I had with the MAC intake install was that the PCV hose was difficult to fit in, it just takes alot of work. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have another post with a C&L MAF housing.


  • Intake.JPG
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  • TB Installed.JPG
    TB Installed.JPG
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  • TB.JPG
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Nice looking truck. Have you noticed any improvement in performance from the intake and TB?

TheFox88 said:
Nice looking truck. Have you noticed any improvement in performance from the intake and TB?

Definetly some better response in the lower rpms, allthough since I put both on at the same time, I cant point out which one is helping the most.

Looks good. That intake sure is clean (but it is also new) ;) Looks cool! :thumbsup:

