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How to: New Forscan Update Allows Module Programming

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Not having any luck thus far just looking to disable the hyperflash after replacing all the indicators front and rear to LED on my 17' Sport
Lamp Outage Detection **Disable if replacing with LEDs
BCM 726-27-01 x*xx xxxx xxxx Front, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
BCM 726-27-02 xxxx xxxx x*xx Rear, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled

On the 17 it appears that theh Rear is not configured as above as it is already showing disabled.
No way to know if the Front configuration works unless removing assemblies and bulbs putting old back in etc.
Has anyone MY17 Sport or otherwise been able to apply this update?
Thanks in Advance.

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Not having any luck thus far just looking to disable the hyperflash after replacing all the indicators front and rear to LED on my 17' Sport
Lamp Outage Detection **Disable if replacing with LEDs
BCM 726-27-01 x*xx xxxx xxxx Front, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
BCM 726-27-02 xxxx xxxx x*xx Rear, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled

On the 17 it appears that theh Rear is not configured as above as it is already showing disabled.
No way to know if the Front configuration works unless removing assemblies and bulbs putting old back in etc.
Has anyone MY17 Sport or otherwise been able to apply this update?
Thanks in Advance.

Did you make any other changes, such as "bambi" mode?

Has anyone figured out the double honk disable yet? I did it on my F150 but would love to also get rid of it on my wife's explorer. :)

I am having a hard time finding the FORscan edit list: for the 2017 Explorer. Is there one already? Thanks.

I am having a hard time finding the FORscan edit list: for the 2017 Explorer. Is there one already? Thanks.

It's a hit or miss, I have not found a consolidated list for the 2017.

I have been using a combination of the following three:


So far on my 2017 I have done the double honk disable, bambi car mod and heated seat icons on the center console.

Went to the junkyard today and got terminals to test Global Open. Turned Global Open on in Forscan and added a terminal to connector 2280C (pin 25) on the BCM. Hooked up a multimeter to read voltage on that line and I got 2.9 volts. Closed door latch, hit unlock, hit it again this time holding it down..................no change. Stayed at 2.9 volts.


Anybody here have a 2013 Taurus with this feature? Would like to know what the output on this wire is.

Yeah I'll keep digging and see what I can find. I'm actually really interested in how that system is wired. Maybe a simple wire connected to the main switch from the BCM that just has to be added.

Anyway, the biggest feature I would like to change (though I think it would require a reflashing), is to have an alarm/dinger go off with the blind spot detection when you use your signal and there is a car in the other lane.

Kia/Hyundais do this and so do Mercedes. Why the hell doesn't Ford do this?

Did you figure out a way to get this alarm to work? I think this is a very useful feature that I wish Fords had!

Did you figure out a way to get this alarm to work? I think this is a very useful feature that I wish Fords had!

The only way it can happen from what I've researched is maybe adding a custom module on the CAN bus that looks for the Blind spot status and turn signal status. Then if the criteria is met it sends the CAN message to turn on the speaker in the car for alerts or you could have the forward collision alert go off.

Went to the junkyard today and got terminals to test Global Open. Turned Global Open on in Forscan and added a terminal to connector 2280C (pin 25) on the BCM. Hooked up a multimeter to read voltage on that line and I got 2.9 volts. Closed door latch, hit unlock, hit it again this time holding it down..................no change. Stayed at 2.9 volts.


Anybody here have a 2013 Taurus with this feature? Would like to know what the output on this wire is.

I'm pretty sure the guy on the Forscan forum who wrote the comparison tool has that vehicle, or similar year.

The only way it can happen from what I've researched is maybe adding a custom module on the CAN bus that looks for the Blind spot status and turn signal status. Then if the criteria is met it sends the CAN message to turn on the speaker in the car for alerts or you could have the forward collision alert go off.
Although there is no audible alarm, mine now flashes the 'BLIS' warning in the mirror when there is a vehicle in the detection area and you turn that signal light on. A slight improvement.


I'm pretty sure the guy on the Forscan forum who wrote the comparison tool has that vehicle, or similar year.

Already sent him a message.

I have been reading and searching for days..... I have a 2013 Exp Limited. I was able to disable the double honk (which was not in the same spot as the spreadsheets list it), But I am still looking to enable the secure idle and disable the IPC welcome screen. Any help would be appreaciated. The modules are not the same on my truck as it is on the spreadsheets.

I did a little further research on the hour meter. There are several different IPCs for these vehicles, with the PIU having its own. I wonder if that means the functionality actually won't be there.

I have been reading and searching for days..... I have a 2013 Exp Limited. I was able to disable the double honk (which was not in the same spot as the spreadsheets list it), But I am still looking to enable the secure idle and disable the IPC welcome screen. Any help would be appreaciated. The modules are not the same on my truck as it is on the spreadsheets.

Do you have the before and after change for the double honk variables?

Where did you make the changes and what were the values before and after the change?

I have been reading and searching for days..... I have a 2013 Exp Limited. I was able to disable the double honk (which was not in the same spot as the spreadsheets list it), But I am still looking to enable the secure idle and disable the IPC welcome screen. Any help would be appreaciated. The modules are not the same on my truck as it is on the spreadsheets.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
You said that you have a 2013 Limited but your profile shows a 2014 XLT??:dunno:


I have been reading and searching for days..... I have a 2013 Exp Limited. I was able to disable the double honk (which was not in the same spot as the spreadsheets list it), But I am still looking to enable the secure idle and disable the IPC welcome screen. Any help would be appreaciated. The modules are not the same on my truck as it is on the spreadsheets.
What OBD reader are you using?

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Does anyone have the Bambi mod bcm code for the 2016+. I had to reset my as built data and can't find the code now.


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