double honk disable/enable with FORscan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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double honk disable/enable with FORscan


Active Member
July 27, 2016
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15 & 16 EXP Int. 3.5T
hello, just wanted to let you guys know that there is a loser selling modified .ab data though a website to disable the double honk. This can be done without that or dealer programming by using a program called FORscan. 2017+ do not try!

See this thread,

** This is the route to go for these modifications! don't buy any hexed .ab files from online vendors. The Ford dealers will not apply them most of the time and it will end up costing you their hourly rate! **

This can be done using FORscan: (you will need to register and get extended license)

No IDS or dealer programming!


Download and install FORscan:

OBDLink MX Bluetooth Scan Tool:

and a bluetooth enabled laptop.

The edits are at: (confirmed with 2014 explorer)

(2011-15 model)
BdyCM 726-16-01 0111 56 (Double Honk Enabled, Default)
BdyCM 726-16-01 0101 46 (Double Honk Disabled)
# 3rd digit number is 1: double honk enabled
# 3rd digit number is 0: double honk disabled

(2016- model)
BdyCM 726-41-02 0001 0000 0071 (Double Honk Enabled, Default)
BdyCM 726-41-02 0000 0000 0070 (Double Honk Disabled)
# 4th/12th digit number is 1: double honk enabled
# 4th/12th digit number is 0: double honk disabled

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Great info thanks. Does anyone have any recommendations for the cheapest ODB reader that's fully compatible with Forscan and allows modifying settings? Thanks!

Ah, Radio Shack. An old familiar name. Closed shop in Canada February 2015 after years of decline. But that's another story.

So for us non-engineers...

It is possible to buy an OBD reader amd Forscan license to change a couple numbers in the code to disable the double honk?

Having to go to the dealer is the only reason I haven't bought the other fix for this issue.

Can someone break this down into simple terms? What to buy, where to buy and then the procedure?

I hate the double honk!

I would like to know also, and what can you and cant you do without the license . Links would be great:D

Most of the ELM327s will work fine. If you have an iPhone, make sure to buy a WiFi instead of a Bluetooth one. There is an iPhone version of FORScan which is handy (though it will not do programming from a phone--only the PC version), but it won't work at all over Bluetooth.

If you do pick one up, I recommend soldering in the switch for MS CAN access.

Ah, Radio Shack. An old familiar name. Closed shop in Canada February 2015 after years of decline. But that's another story.

The closed a bunch in the states like 70% of them, but some of the bigger cities still have them.

I would like to know also, and what can you and cant you do without the license . Links would be great:D

License just allows advance usage of the software like programming keys (can't program this generation Explorer, yet) and module configuration and programming. License is free for now.

Most of the ELM327s will work fine. If you have an iPhone, make sure to buy a WiFi instead of a Bluetooth one. There is an iPhone version of FORScan which is handy (though it will not do programming from a phone--only the PC version), but it won't work at all over Bluetooth.

If you do pick one up, I recommend soldering in the switch for MS CAN access.

Yeah iphones have locked down bluetooth protocols. Apple only allows stuff like keyboards, headsets, and speakers. Jailbroken iphones can work with bluetooth ELM327 devices though.

Just for giggles what does reprogramming the ECM to get rid of the double honk do the the factory warranty?

I know that any unauthorized programing done on it for different reasons such as a power enhancement will void the factory warranty and you'll be on your own for any repairs in most cases.

Just for giggles what does reprogramming the ECM to get rid of the double honk do the the factory warranty?

I know that any unauthorized programing done on it for different reasons such as a power enhancement will void the factory warranty and you'll be on your own for any repairs in most cases.

You are programming the BCM not the main engine Module.

You are just changing a programmable parameter.

When you make changes to settings in your instrument menu it changes some of these same parameters, it's just this setting isn't available to the customer.

You do risk changing the variable incorrectly and that can cause some issues but 99% of the time you can just revert back to the factory set parameter and it didn't hurt anything.

I have yet to hear about a bricked module by doing this, though anything is possible.

Most dealers won't even notice the parameter change. If they compared the factory set parameters to your car as it is now they are gonna be different even without any programming. This is due to user changes like disabling courtesy wipe and easy entry.

@sheltonfilms is correct. Because I worry about the domino effects of such changes when they're not pre-defined in IDS and sometimes FORScan, I run in stock form exclusively, but I wear a tin foil hat.

In such modules you're mostly changing options, but you can also change some options that tell the car how it is equipped. For example, in the 2017 BCM there is data that indicates the tire size on the vehicle. In the BCM, this setting being wrong probably isn't fatal. But if you had changed it in say, the PCM, you might be causing other more substantial issues.

I doubt a dealer would ever catch a minor programming change like the horn honk, but it's at your own risk. Ford has never advertised (and assuredly does not want) the end user changing ABD, in fact, they only want dealers programming what they find in OASIS.

It is incredibly difficult to brick a module, but it is possible in theory to break an option so bad you can't put the module back in a position to program.

In reality, just be smart. If you change an option and suddenly your remote keyless entry doesn't work (for example), revert your changes first. If you use FORScan, take a backup of the RAW, stock, as built data before you begin meddling.

Just to give an example. We figured out the HEX code for Russian Explorers that enabled you to enter an address in navigation while driving. We thought it was a feature change but it appears to be like a country code. Not only did it allow you to enter address while in motion, but it stopped sirius from showing up in the menus, and it also stopped the instrument cluster from showing the compass on the right side of the display.

I left it this way on mine because I don't car about the compass ball/circle and I don't use Sirius.

For those of you who don't know, if you do mess something up but didn't backup your ABD before making changes you can download the original factory data from this link.

^ Those with the 2017 models should be careful. There are blocks in the BCM that are not returned via the As-Built download tool. There are 67 blocks shown for us, but there are 70 in reality for the BCM.

Sounds like there are some "goodies" in those 3 lines. :D

Oh, no doubt. :D

For those with a 2016 and a default of "0001 0001 0072" in BCM position 726 41 02(such as my own vehicle)

Change this to "0000 0001 0071" to disable the double honk.

EDIT: I have also confirmed this on a 2016 Limited. The default was the same as mine.

720-01-01 bit 14, so that should be 4th HEX value incremented by 2.

Do you have everything else changed? APIM ABD, software loaded, navigation license installed?
Yes I have everything done. Just trying to figure this out. I'm not good at hex, but if you showed me what numbers to change I can get it. Bit 14 4th bit increment by 2 tells me nothing. Sorry thanks for the help though.

This thread right here is the exact example of why I love car forums. That $#Y^%$#&#$% double car honk drives me bananas EVERYTIME I run into it...nearly daily. It's right up there with the worst "features" from Ford ever...

Thanks guys!!!

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Here are my FORscan settings confirmed on 2016 Platinum and Limited.

726-41-02 0001 0001 0072 Double Honk Enabled (Default)
0000 0001 0071 Double Honk Disabled
726-27-01 0100 0001 0057 Concurrent Brights/Fogs Disabled (Default w/LED fogs)
0100 0000 0157 Concurrent Brights/Fogs Enabled​
