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non urgent question


Well-Known Member
November 2, 2006
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96' Ford Explorer XLT 4x4
This is kinda a silly question...but in my 96 X 4.0 L 4x4, when the gas light comes on, about how much gas do u think is still left in the tank?

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enough for you to go oh sh*t and get to a gas station.

i have a 95 ranger 2.3L and it comes on with one gallon left...the whole trick in while you are driving, and you notice it is on, how long has it been on? lmao

that light means it will soon be time to replace your fuel pump.

I've had my light come on, gone to get gas about 10 miles away, pumped up and it took 16 gallons before the pump even shut off.....15gallon tank btw. Pretty sure I was on the last of the fumes.

yes nocturnall, yours sounds like mine and it comes on with 1 gallon left...the only difference is i can not top mine off as of last week...when i tries it now comes out the top of the tank...never had a problem till now but that extra gallon in the fill tube helps.


I was sure the info was in the owners manual for your truck, but I found it online ( and it doesn't appear to state exactly what the amount left would be. Strange.

My gauge sucks.
When I go down hill the gauge goes below e and the light comes on. Uphill and I have 3/4 of a tank. So that light means nothing to me.

I think everyone's tends to do that. At least my '97 does. I guess the sensor or whatever is in the rear of the tank. It's accurate when you're on level ground.

Haha, no prob.

I rarely get that low, so when I do see "check gauge" I always think oh **** what's wrong with the car, then I remember :)

Industry standard is (and has been for years) that the low fuel light will come on with approximately 10% of the capacity of the tank left in it. If you have a 16 gallon tank, there will be roughly 1.6 gallons left when the light comes on. However, measuring the fuel level in a sloshing tank is not an exact science.

As for the fuel pump issue, it's a non-issue... urban legend. The pump is always running, fuel is always being dumped back into the in-tank reservoir through the return line, the pump is always immersed in fuel, and there is always fuel flowing through it, and any debris in the tank gets caught by the pre-filter long before it gets to the pump. I've been happily and confidently running my tank to the light since new with 128k on the odometer. I used to assemble the tanks in the plant in Dearborn... I'm not worried. (Heck, now that I think about it, I probably assembled the tanks in a few member's vehicles on this board LOL!)


I have about 2.5 gallons when the light comes on.
