Painting the interior trim, My work-in-Progress | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Painting the interior trim, My work-in-Progress

Looks really good!! :eek:

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Great job man, looks really good. Try not to touch it too much for a couple days, it'll still be tacky (thus fingerprints). Now I'm gonna have to start on mine and get it done before summers over.

Been on my list since I bought it almost 6 years ago just like the cladding and bumper covers. Did you clear it or no? High gloss, Satin?

Next time you paint and mask, use less tape and more platic or paper for outer area's, just a suggestion. When masking off with tape around edges use a razor for clean lines.

I didn't clear Coat it because I used gloss. If I ever re-do it I'm gunna do flat then a high gloss clear coat. At the time I forgot that the high gloss paint is so damn thick. It's hard to getit even. They also only had Fusion in flat or gloss and i decided gloss would just look better.

But like I said, when I do decided to re-do my doors, I'll just use flat and put a coat or 2 of gloss clear over it.

Thanks eneryone!

Using the clear is a good idea. It adds UV protection so your hard work doesn't go bad!


@BigRon i will be using the dye that advance sells i used it in my neon and it look good..the key is to use the clearcoat after it so it keeps the finger prints down and it helps out when you have your window cracked in the rain and drops of water gets on your dask keeps the water from fading your dye

but i have a 1st gen so it may take me a little longer trying to strip it down piece by also works great on changing colors of your carpet and sets:D

ok i went looking for the can i knew i had one laying around its called Duplicolor Vinyl and Fabric Coating

@BigRon i will be using the dye that advance sells i used it in my neon and it look good..the key is to use the clearcoat after it so it keeps the finger prints down and it helps out when you have your window cracked in the rain and drops of water gets on your dask keeps the water from fading your dye

but i have a 1st gen so it may take me a little longer trying to strip it down piece by also works great on changing colors of your carpet and sets:D

ok i went looking for the can i knew i had one laying around its called Duplicolor Vinyl and Fabric Coating

Thank you! :thumbsup:

@BigRon, I had no idea it was UV protectant :p Maybe I'll have to clear coat it sooner rather than later!

Doing my tail-light bar now. I'll post pics with my write up

Standing by.....................:popcorn:

lmao, you'll b there a while :D

I did mine too, including the dash vents! Gauge ring was a pain for having to remove the ENTIRE piece...but it came out sweet!

looks good bro! the only part where there was a really noticable flaw was in the door trim where the paint bled over a bit. if you ever decide to go over it again and dont want to use gloss, try satin and then go over it with a clear coat. i recently scratched the hell out of my radio bezel and im planning on painting it over again. gotta get my aussie lockers on first though. keep up all the good work, once i got my ST last spring, i found this forum randomly when iwas searching for a solution to a minor fix. since then the forum had me hooked on modding out my ST.

remember, preparation (taping off, priming, sanding, etc.) is 90% of the job so dont cut corners, and remember to have patience and let your paint job dry and cure! best advice i ever got when it comes to paint.

Looks good! I justt did my radio bezel and console tray a brighter silver, haven't gottten around to door handles or the cluster surround, but now I think I might do black on that door panel too, I like the way that lookss

looks really good, i'm inspired to do mine now too, but I don't know if black will go with my tan interior? Maybe just respray it gray cause its lookin rough..

this is what my neon looked like when i got done..yes i kno its not an explorer but i just wanted to share for people that wanted to do theres..just make sure you use clear coat over everything when u get done....



looks really nice, good work

69, the dye looks great from the pics. Can you recommend the brand etc?
