Pending codes on my 2013 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pending codes on my 2013 XLT


Well-Known Member
March 2, 2014
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Every once in a while I do a scan with Forscan and I find 2 pending codes:

1. ABS Module: U0452:68-AB "Invalid Data Received from Restraint Control Module"
2. RCM or Restraint Control Module: U3000:49-0B "Control Module Internal Electronic Failure"

Codes are pending, Check Engine light or any other warnings are off.
ABS light is off, RSC icon is off.
I usually erase them and it could be weeks or even months before these codes are set (always pending)
If I do a normal ODBII scan with Torque App there are 0 codes stored. I can only see them with Forscan if/when they are set (Pending).

Workshop manual advises to replace RCM or Air Bag Module, but the thing is the codes are pending (or are they?)

Please someone give me an insight if this is something worth "fixing" or if there is nothing to fix.

Thanks in advance

It seem this codes are like ghost codes or bugs, looking at Ford Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Definition, Causes and Diagnosis there are several Bulletins, they point out to perform module firmware updates or calibrations, the bulletins state that no repairs are needed if there´s no an actual fault present (CEL), like in my case. I checked a Ford dealer and they say I´m up to date with all the modules. Maybe I´ll check another dealer, just in case.
