PG13...want ladies opinion on getting some piercings... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PG13...want ladies opinion on getting some piercings...

Which one?

  • Get the tounge

    Votes: 13 18.6%
  • Get the PA

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • both

    Votes: 15 21.4%
  • neither

    Votes: 33 47.1%
  • other, please specify

    Votes: 4 5.7%

  • Total voters
i know i will NEVER get my nips pierced...just sodent look right on a "thick" guy like me (i am 5'7" and 185lbs) far i am 95% getting the tounge but still want opinions on both....

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cr@p your not thick,i am thick i am 5'7" down from 290 to 265lbs got 65 to go:D and darn i look good, some guys have a 6 pack, well i got the whole dang keg!!!;)

i do not think that i will ever peirce any think again, but the women all love the nips from what i see.

personally I've always found tongue piercings on guys to be way hott...

the pa...there are limitless possiblities with that one...ive heard there pretty pleasurful

Originally posted by Robb
I know this is the first site I come to when looking for opinions from females! Maybe ALL 6 of the active ladies here will reply!

OMG! That made me fall off my chair!

Originally posted by udmsvt

thanx..i have done extensive research on the net but you are the first that i can actualy ask about will be getting a PM shortly.

Joe93 isnt the only one that had that done....

Look up a user called "Tunnelfear" and a thread called "Nervous- adult converstion" for even more info....

Originally posted by Xposed
personally I've always found tongue piercings on guys to be way hott...

the pa...there are limitless possiblities with that one...ive heard there pretty pleasurful

so WHERE at in MI you located again!?!:D ;)

I dont know if its just me but I think it would kinda be cool to watch someone get a pa done...might be just me...:cool:

Originally posted by Robb
Maybe ALL 6 of the active ladies here will reply!

ha ha, I'm jumping in late here. I say start with the tongue, see how you like it, and if you end up addicted to piercing you'll go for the other stuff later anyway.

It seems like the weewee would be a rough one to pierce first (besides your ear already being done).

Maybe you should post some pics of every area you are considering and then the 6 of us will have a clearer idea. :D

Just kidding of course...I am happily married, really!

I can't help but think of that Chris Rock song "No Sex In The Champagne Room"... :D

My vote would be neither.. if I were a chick.. or even if I wasn't I guess.. er.. I'm not. :confused:

Originally posted by Maranda
ha ha, I'm jumping in late here. I say start with the tongue, see how you like it, and if you end up addicted to piercing you'll go for the other stuff later anyway.

It seems like the weewee would be a rough one to pierce first (besides your ear already being done).

Maybe you should post some pics of every area you are considering and then the 6 of us will have a clearer idea. :D

Just kidding of course...I am happily married, really!

maybe you will find one on my profile on one of these days!

I say tounge all the way! I am dating a guy with it pierced and all I can say is TOTAL TURN ON. ;) Plus, its fun to play with and can make a dull kisser not so... dull.

Originally posted by SnowExploder
I say tounge all the way! I have dated guys with it pierced and all I can say is TOTAL TURN ON. ;) Plus, its fun to play with and can make a dull kisser not so... dull.

LOL, no worries there but i think i kinad agreed wit hthe girl i saw tonite that for her 18th we will both get the tounge done and we are both thinking about getting pierced down south (well, we all knew i was but a few friends talked her into getting a piercing)

I've had my tongue pierced for about a year now... I forget that I have it done about 99% of the time now. One thing - MAKE SURE YOU GET IT NEAR THE FRONT... the rear is what ladies get to give better uhm... yea. The front is for guys. (think about it) Now, had the lady told me this BEFORE I got it done, mine wouldn't be so far back. But she decided to tell me minutes after I got mine done. Also - it doesn't hurt.. biting your tongue is 100000x worse then getting it pierced.

Girls love the idea of kissing someone w/ a peirced tongue. Also, GET PLASTIC BALLS on the bar, and get a shorter bar... I chipped the inside of one of my molars w/ a metal ball... luckily it wasn't that bad. Also, biting on a metal ball HURTS LIKE HELL... Trust me on this. I'll even send you some plastic tongue rings for free just to make sure you use one. And just suck on a lotta ice afterwards, don't get slurpies like they told me to do.

As for talking... it effected my speech for about 2 days, and it wasn't even that bad. Just try not to eat for a day or so, and then only soups for another day or so.

If you get it, lemme know - I have more info on keeping it clean.


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SWEET...def getting it done when i get the $$!

IMO wast of money... Why not spend the cash on a gym membership or some suppliments and get big.... Last I checked women liked muscles more than a tongue ring.

~$50-60 for as long as I want it... right now that works out to..... $60/365 ~ $.16 a day so far and getting cheaper by the minute =P. I think that is a pretty cheap mod... =P

my tounge ring was only 20 bucks with jewlery. cant find a gym membership for that price.

Originally posted by Joe93
my tongue ring was only 20 bucks with jewlery. cant find a gym membership for that price.

I pay 10$ a month... There was also no sighnup fee. It was just a recomendation, I really dont care if you can find a gym for cheap or not.:rolleyes:

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its kinda like they say the difference between tatooed people and non tatooed people is people with tatoo's dont care if your not tatooed. Same goes for piercings
