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Prerunner/Dual Purpose 94 Build

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Good times at jump champs. Truck is feeling solid on the highway. Almost time to start the rear.



What leafs did you go for with the rear? I've been wanting to get some dealers but not sure on which ones to get since I've heard the g50s are too stiff but others say the weight of the Explorer is enough to make themoney smooth. Looks pretty good btw, I've seen it on the score fb site too

Great looking shot at sunset:chug:

What leafs did you go for with the rear? I've been wanting to get some dealers but not sure on which ones to get since I've heard the g50s are too stiff but others say the weight of the Explorer is enough to make themoney smooth. Looks pretty good btw, I've seen it on the score fb site too

I got the pack from a buddy that races class 2000. He used to run the F67 packs, but he runs his truck so hard that he would flatten them out in 100 miles or so. This is a pack that is built special for him, I'm not sure of all the specs, but its not one that you can buy off the shelf.

Had the pleasure of doing coil packs and spark plugs on a 5.4 this weekend, so not much progress. I'm starting to cycle it so hopefully I'll have it back on it's own weight by the weekend.

Oh Boy that's SWEET!!!!

Rounding the corner on this thing. Lots of little detail work, cycling, locating pivots, moving perches, etc. Should be back on it's feet this weekend.

Looks good. Are you going to sheet metal around the rear shock mounts to keep the dirt out of the passenger compartment?

Cool. I really like how you isolated the shock mounts from the frame with bushings. I did that with my coil over hoops engine cross brace. Makes it easy to remove as well. Not my idea, I got it from DB1.

Kind of have to look close to see what I'm up to here. I'm building a perimeter frame work out of .75 tubing to mount all the sheet metal up to. I also tied the cage into the body, it's crazy how solid the rear of the truck feels now.

Also picked up some new bedsides from McNeil Racing. The old ones were embarrassing to say the least. My tires were smacking before getting to full bump, just seems so pointless to have bedsides that cant clear the most basic axle upgrade. McNeil is going to work with me to build a true 6" over bedside that works with the stock wheel base, I'm stoked.


Spent most of the weekend doing this!

great pic of play time with your boy!!! Good daddy!!

Needed to check off the final thing on my original list of things I said I wouldn't do!

Picked up this 22" single row 5 watt light bar from 1107 Offroad. He has some really good quality light bars. These aren't Amazon specials and they have a lifetime warranty. Check him out! I'm going to recess it into the grill, should be nice and clean and low pro.

Also cut an access panel under my rear seat for the fuel pump and changed it out. It's been screaming at me for 2 years now. I was hesitant to get a non Motorcraft pump, but the Delphi I picked up is dead silent. Very happy I did this before I got stranded.

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