As the OP on this post, I thought I'd follow up from 126,000 miles. My last change was around 60K so I have 66(ish)K on this run of the oil. Previously, I've changed the PTU oil 3 times up to the 60K change, so this is the 4th change. When I did it at 16,000 miles I ran it around 5K and did another change to get more metal out, then I did a 30K and a 60K. This change, the magnet was also full of metal shavings and could take no more metal. The fluid had some metal in it as well, but it looked really good, about as good as my 60K change. Still had life to it, not too dark or burnt, flowed easily. It also didn't have the glitter evident in the first posts. Much cleaner. Last change I pushed about 15oz in. It appears to have burped some oil out the vent tube over time and this 126K drain was 12oz of fluid. I put 12oz back in this time. Zero PTU issues so far. Going to tackle the transmission fluid next. Hope all Is well with you.