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How to: PTU Oil Change (Tons of Pics) 2016 Explorer Sport

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Great post here. I am trying to figure this out on my 2011 4WD explorer. Can someone confirm I've got the right spot? It looks a little different than some of the other pics and I can't seem to locate the vent hose from the top. Is the threaded screw with red thread lock the fill plug for the PTU?


The vent hose is up top you really can't see it underneath. Its short with a black vent cap on top.

That is your fill plug but I don't see the drain plug in that pic

The vent hose is up top you really can't see it underneath. Its short with a black vent cap on top.

That is your fill plug but I don't see the drain plug in that pic
I'm thinking there is no drain plug on this 2011. :(

I can't even see the vent hose/cap from the top engine compartment but I'll look again.

I was just thinking about this PTU situation on my 2011 4WD. Since it's not AWD do the gears still spin all the time or is it only when I engage the traction control knob?

I'm thinking there is no drain plug on this 2011. :(

I can't even see the vent hose/cap from the top engine compartment but I'll look again.

Yours likely does not have a drain plug.
For the vent cap, if I remember right, it's a bit difficult to see. You have to be looking at just the right angle.

I was just thinking about this PTU situation on my 2011 4WD. Since it's not AWD do the gears still spin all the time or is it only when I engage the traction control knob?

Yes, they spin all the time.
The AWD is engaged by the rear differential.

Great post here. I am trying to figure this out on my 2011 4WD explorer. Can someone confirm I've got the right spot? It looks a little different than some of the other pics and I can't seem to locate the vent hose from the top. Is the threaded screw with red thread lock the fill plug for the PTU?

View attachment 435578
Years ago I had a Ford Freestyle that had a PTU with no drain plug.

I drilled and tapped a hole in the same blank boss you can see next to the left side hex bolt in your pic.

It was surprisingly easy, because the thick oil draining out helped the tap cut threads and pushed any chips out as it drained. My hands were a bit messy during the process however.

It certainly made changing the fluid much easier after that.

Not sure if you are willing to go down that path or not, but wanted to throw it out there as an option.

Yours likely does not have a drain plug.
For the vent cap, if I remember right, it's a bit difficult to see. You have to be looking at just the right angle.

Yes, they spin all the time.

Years ago I had a Ford Freestyle that had a PTU with no drain plug.

I drilled and tapped a hole in the same blank boss you can see next to the left side hex bolt in your pic.

It was surprisingly easy, because the thick oil draining out helped the tap cut threads and pushed any chips out as it drained. My hands were a bit messy during the process however.

It certainly made changing the fluid much easier after that.

Not sure if you are willing to go down that path or not, but wanted to throw it out there as an option.
Thanks but I think that's a little bit above my pay grade. :)

BTW, I just stopped by the stealership on my way home. I asked if they could change the oil in the PTU but they absolutely refused. They told me "We replace them but we don't service them". Ha! I'll look elsewhere.

In my former SHO, I had no drain plug for the PTU. I used a air powered brake bleeder called a "Vacula" with a thin piece of hose/line to draw the fluid out of the fill hole. Then, filled with a bottle top plunger type pump to fill.
In my utility, which has a drain plug, I drain into a container to measure what comes out. I put the same amount back in via an extended vent hose.

I was just thinking about this PTU situation on my 2011 4WD. Since it's not AWD do the gears still spin all the time or is it only when I engage the traction control knob?
Your Explorer is actually AWD not 4WD. It has been mentioned here many times.


Your Explorer is actually AWD not 4WD. It has been mentioned here many times.

I know what you mean. I did ask the dealer the other day and they told me it was listed as 4WD. Either way, it's time to change that PTU oil.

It took me 5 hours to do the work. At least 2 were spent trying to reach the tube on the top, add an extender, and get the top filter off. I couldn't get the new tube onto the old tube with the metal top until I went under and reached up. I lost the filter/vent cap in the engine somewhere.

There's no way to reach it. I had to lay across the engine and use a step stool. I think if you could remove that plastic cover below the windshield wipers it would be more reachable.

But now it should be easy for me to refill the next time.

Genuine Ford Valve Assembly Vent DB5Z-7034-C

It took me 5 hours to do the work. At least 2 were spent trying to reach the tube on the top, add an extender, and get the top filter off. I couldn't get the new tube onto the old tube with the metal top until I went under and reached up. I lost the filter/vent cap in the engine somewhere.

There's no way to reach it. I had to lay across the engine and use a step stool. I think if you could remove that plastic cover below the windshield wipers it would be more reachable.

But now it should be easy for me to refill the next time.

Genuine Ford Valve Assembly Vent DB5Z-7034-C
The tube is easily accessed from underneath. I did mine a year os so ago, but am thinking that I may re-do my extension. I used a double ended barb fitting to add the extra length, and I'm wondering if that my impede the flow upon refilling. Thinking a straight piece of hose would be a better flow.

Wish I found this thread before I started. Here's how it went for me:

Just a heads up. My wife’s 2018 Explorer XLT with the 3.5l Duratec has the fill plug just like the post above with the 2011 model, but no drain plug. I did notice the vent tube is easy to see if you go under the car behind the driver side wheel. I plan on changing the ptu fluid in this car and my 2018 Platinum next weekend.

As the OP on this post, I thought I'd follow up from 126,000 miles. My last change was around 60K so I have 66(ish)K on this run of the oil. Previously, I've changed the PTU oil 3 times up to the 60K change, so this is the 4th change. When I did it at 16,000 miles I ran it around 5K and did another change to get more metal out, then I did a 30K and a 60K. This change, the magnet was also full of metal shavings and could take no more metal. The fluid had some metal in it as well, but it looked really good, about as good as my 60K change. Still had life to it, not too dark or burnt, flowed easily. It also didn't have the glitter evident in the first posts. Much cleaner. Last change I pushed about 15oz in. It appears to have burped some oil out the vent tube over time and this 126K drain was 12oz of fluid. I put 12oz back in this time. Zero PTU issues so far. Going to tackle the transmission fluid next. Hope all Is well with you.

Thanks for the reassurance that this has been a helpful maintenance to perform. Just fyi, I noticed my transmission wasn’t as responsive lately. I was almost 2 qts low at 94k. Just a heads up if you all don’t check the level regularly.

Thanks for the reassurance that this has been a helpful maintenance to perform. Just fyi, I noticed my transmission wasn’t as responsive lately. I was almost 2 qts low at 94k. Just a heads up if you all don’t check the level regularly.
Glad it was helpful. If you’re 2 quarts low on transmission fluid, you need to ask yourself where did it go? It doesn’t evaporate. If it’s not dripping under the car, did Ford under fill it? I’m not sure on the transmission on this car. Is it possible for it to get in the engine like the coolant? I would certainly want that question answered.

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Glad it was helpful. If you’re 2 quarts low on transmission fluid, you need to ask yourself where did it go? It doesn’t evaporate. If it’s not dripping under the car, did Ford under fill it? I’m not sure on the transmission on this car. Is it possible for it to get in the engine like the coolant? I would certainly want that question answered.
I haven’t noticed a leak. To be honest, I don’t know if I’ve ever checked it, so it could’ve been low to begin with. My coolant looks fine, so I’m going to go with minimal loss to age and wear, and possibly underfilled from the factory. Also, I just remembered I did have a collision a few years ago that required some extensive body work and suspension work, it’s possible they might have done something and didn’t fill it correctly either. I’m about to do a fluid change on it this year, so maybe I’ll find something once I look a little closer.
