How to: - PTU Oil Change (Tons of Pics) 2016 Explorer Sport | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: PTU Oil Change (Tons of Pics) 2016 Explorer Sport

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I haven’t noticed a leak. To be honest, I don’t know if I’ve ever checked it, so it could’ve been low to begin with. My coolant looks fine, so I’m going to go with minimal loss to age and wear, and possibly underfilled from the factory. Also, I just remembered I did have a collision a few years ago that required some extensive body work and suspension work, it’s possible they might have done something and didn’t fill it correctly either. I’m about to do a fluid change on it this year, so maybe I’ll find something once I look a little closer.
If the fluid is down 2 quarts, I don't think I'd wait to bring it up to the correct level. You may end up changing more than just the fluid.


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If the fluid is down 2 quarts, I don't think I'd wait to bring it up to the correct level. You may end up changing more than just the fluid.

I already topped it off. I meant to inspect for a leak, since I don’t see anything obvious, and am planning to change the fluid soon.

Several things to make life easier.... I use to use a funnel but it would take forever. The hose would hydro lock and the gear oil would just sit in the funnel. Sometimes it would burp and run over the edge of the funnel. I ended up buying a 150ml syringe and it is so much easier and faster to use a syringe. I draw a vacuum on the PTU then push some fluid in. Rinse and repeat. Takes 530 ml to fill it up and only takes a couple minutes using a syringe even in cold weather. I change the PTU fluid with every oil change. It's nasty.

Also my 14 PIU came with a drain plug but the civilian models didn't. You can easily add a drain plug using a 1/8 NPT drill and tap set and magnetic drain plug. There are many posts, pics, and videos on how to do this if you Google Search "add drain plug to PTU". Basically drill on the flat spot on the bottom of the PTU until you are all the way through. The gear oil running out should flush the metal cuttings out. The tap is tapered so only run it enough to cut threads all the way in so the drain plug can snug up and seal.

Several things to make life easier.... I use to use a funnel but it would take forever. The hose would hydro lock and the gear oil would just sit in the funnel. Sometimes it would burp and run over the edge of the funnel. I ended up buying a 150ml syringe and it is so much easier and faster to use a syringe. I draw a vacuum on the PTU then push some fluid in. Rinse and repeat. Takes 530 ml to fill it up and only takes a couple minutes using a syringe even in cold weather. I change the PTU fluid with every oil change. It's nasty.

Also my 14 PIU came with a drain plug but the civilian models didn't. You can easily add a drain plug using a 1/8 NPT drill and tap set and magnetic drain plug. There are many posts, pics, and videos on how to do this if you Google Search "add drain plug to PTU". Basically drill on the flat spot on the bottom of the PTU until you are all the way through. The gear oil running out should flush the metal cuttings out. The tap is tapered so only run it enough to cut threads all the way in so the drain plug can snug up and seal.
I had bought all the tools to do the tap but would have to remove the downpipe to do it. Decided to just use the oem drain.

Fordtechmakuloco channel used a miximizer in one video to fill the ptu from the vent tube. That’s what i’ve been using. Still takes “minute” but it does help when it stops filling.


I heated the oil up before-hand, which allowed it to go all the way down the extended vent tube to fill it.
