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Quad Buckets

Nice work :thumbsup: the install came out clean. Do the seats fold forward enough so that you can still carry oversized stuff in the back?

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They do a little bit. But not enough to say you could fit more stuff in it. I would've liked to use the stock seat tracks, but they would've required quite a bit of work and the seat would've sat too high. But, I would've been able to slide them forward.

Well, they all somewhat match now!



They look like disco light up seats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Nice work man.

Looks less soccer mom, more street machiene

Very nice setup!!!

looks very awesome IAMTODD

what seats do you got in the rear from what model explorer

They're from a '94 XLT. Comparing to my stock front seats, it looks like I can bolt any Expo seat in, which is awsome :D

After many months of having a gaping hole in my rear seats, its finally been filled! Pulled it from a '94 XLT. Bracket is in good condition and all!


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looks like it was meant to be.

Job very well done :cool: :thumbsup:

Dont forget to paint that 2X4 beneath every thing. ;)

MONMIX said:
looks like it was meant to be.

Job very well done :cool: :thumbsup:

Dont forget to paint that 2X4 beneath every thing. ;)

Yeah, what he said

Todd, that looks great. It's inspired me for my next project (mix of hardcore wheeler with nice, clean streeter). :D :
-Hunsaker seats with harnesses up front
-stock seats in rear
-custom fiberglass console in middle with a TV screen and subs

I'll say it again that setup is sweeeeeeeeeeet! :thumbsup: The console looks way cool and round out the look nicely...

Seeing Section's thread reminded me I need to update this.

Seats are from an '00 and '01 Taurus. When I bought the first set I was under the impression that Ford used a universal "bolt pattern" to attach the seat track to the seat. Boy was I wrong! Many grinding wheels and head bashings later I got them in with a lot of help from my dad. Still need a little polishing up.

I now consider this project complete! It was all completed for less than $300 as well!


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Very cool. Hows the headroom space?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh leather.

Tons better man and it was great to begin with.

do you think or know if anyone has tried this in a 2 door? And yes, the leather looks 100x better, nice work.


the taurus seats looks great-

i found that my navi buckets basically bolted to the stock seat track. I've also done explorer buckets into an f150 and crown vic into f150- i'm surprised those weren't basically a bolt-in affair.


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The rears in the 2 door il probably hit the roof.

The seat track on the Taurus is also apart of the seat hinge(Don't know if I mentioned that above or not). So therefoe I needed to seperate the hinge from the track.

When I was looking at the junk yard I was almost certain they would bolt in with little to no modification. Wrong wrong wrong.

If I were to do this again I'd make sure they used the same pattern as the explorer seats.
