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Return from Cliffs Oct 20, 2007

The Badlands would be worth the trip... :thumbsup:

You get more different varieties of terrain there than in almost any other park that I can think of within driving distance from Chi-town.

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Not a day trip when your window doesn't roll down though.

I'd wanna get a couple people to go for the weekend though to make the most of it.

More pics

Here's some stuff from my passenger.





Videos coming after lunch
Me having fun

Jman Messing around

Me forgetting 4wd....if the video will ever upload...(i think I'll need to edit it down)

Yay, i love my clover. I need one for each truck.

Next time i won't forget my camera. In spring would you be up for badlands?

Wish i woulda had it so i could of got video of you almost rolling in the first 5 minutes.

Wish i woulda had it so i could of got video of you almost rolling in the first 5 minutes.

Eh, I was just as tippy when I took this picture... Just because I'm on 3 wheels doesn't mean it's gunna roll.

Btw: I got two of the videos in that last post now...


  • rock.JPG
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I really wanna go back while or just after it rains so its muddier. Snow would be fun too, except for that one hill.

I don't know if your JUST as tippy in that picture..

Sort of funny that the place is called "The Cliffs" when mostly what I see is flat... :D

Some day, you'll actually run that thing on something resembling "cliffs." :thumbsup:



