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Hint: Chunk -- Chink BLAM BLAM BLAM ...
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99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

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I can use some help...Gerald, Ray, Paul, anyone. I would like to get written reports from the runs that I didn't attend. Specifically, the Kane Creek run and The Top of the World run. Without this info my trip report just won't be complete. The report doesn't need to be very long just an overview and highlights.

Also, my film has been delayed. I went to pick it up at 10:00am today, but they said the photo CDs won't be ready for another day Dead Link Removed

Rick, my brain's a little fried since I went to Top of the World three times. You went with me that first day for the pre-run, right? As I recall the first one was me, you, Peter, and Paul. So you are asking for a run report from the next run when the stockers went up, right?

Ray and others, help me and we'll do a report. Who all was on the Top of the World run that day when we went up with that F150?
I remember

Gerald w/ "Ford Gal" Brit
Ray w/ Sandy
Barry w/ Ron

Who else am I forgetting, if anyone?

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 05-11-2000).]

Gerald, I would like a report from the group run as you figured.

BTW, I have set you up as moderator for "Everything under the Sun" Dead Link Removed

I just went to get pictures...

The one of you and Char on Potato Sald Hill is Pulitzer material!!! The photo of the trip! I'll scan tomorrow and have it posted on the Moab Pics thread by tomorrow afternoon.

BTW, you are going to flip! when you see it (pun intended). You got a LOT more than 4ft of air...

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
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"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

We left Moab on Monday AM and drove the lower part of Colorado to do some site seeing, but wedre in the rain all day.
Tuesday was a better day and once we hit I-25, Ft Collins wasn't far at all.

We enjoyed the trip and meeting all the folks. For our first run with a "pure" stock Explorer we had a great time, and thanks everyone who helped us with the run on Friday.

Sarah & Gerry
White 99 XLT
Soon to be modified

Dad and I got back into Calgary Tuesday night about 5pm. We left Moab about 8:15 Monday in the pouring rain, wondering if anyone was going to get out and do any runs that day. We drove 10 hours to Butte, Montana, and did the remaining 7 hours to Calgary on Tuesday. I dropped dad off at the airport about 6 hours ago, and he's safe and sound in Victoria.

Did you know there is only about 2 stop lights between the Canadian border and Moab?

Gerald: I have a picture of you straddling the crack at Top of the World. ( There was only 5 trucks up there on Saturday - you, Ray, Tom, myself, and Tracey in the pickup.

I guess I'll have to shop around for a 99 centre console for my 93 if I want a Texas Kleenex Box. Dead Link Removed

Monday morning started out lousy, but it cleared up int a beautiful day by 9:30. I ran the Shafer trail with the Fakarwee tribe, Peter, TC and Tom Wilk. It was a very easy, but extremely scenic drive.

Gerald and Rob ran Top of the World on their way out of town and I think that was about it for Monday.

Gerald, e-mail me a photo of you "Kleenex" holder. I never did get a look at it. I think that kind of "Kleenex" holder might come in handy in Arizona.

Gerald, I think there are a few of us that haven't got a clue what a Texas Kleenex Box is. Why don't you post the picture along with all your other ones (or are going to get censored?).

'99 Sport 4wd SOHC

I think you should show the picture of your "Texas Kleenex Box" for all to see. I wish I could get my Browning Hi-power in there, but hey, this would be a great excuse to pick up something you yours. Dead Link Removed

Oh and I also would like to thank Ford for their support of our runs and can't wait for Truckhaven to meet some more of you guys and gals. Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
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OK guys, concerning the newest model ultimate Explorer modification, you'll have to email me direct with a request for pics on the "Texas Kleenex Box" mod. I am not posting it on this public board. If I do not recognize your name or you weren't on this trip, I won't reply. Dead Link Removed

Scott should already have my reply. Rick, Ray, and Peter; I'll send them tomorrow along with whomever else gets curious.

This actually brings up an EXCELLENT point. If you want to view all the "mods" that are available for your Explorer; and don't want to be left out in the dark as to what you can really do to your vehicle, then by golly you just gotta go on a "Serious Exploration" to learn it all!

Dead Link Removed When's the next one?

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 05-11-2000).]

What a great trip. I just got all the stuff unpacked and out from under the seats. Still plenty of MOAB dust in the truck. I'm having a blast reviewing the pics from the trip. I watched my video of Kane Creek & Steel Bender. I want to go back...

Damage wise, I'm out 2 tires ( LF & RR ) and 1 wheel. Victims of sudden gravity on the Go Pedal. My only advise is " Slow is Better "

I learned a lot wheeling with everyone there. It was very helpful seeing how other Explorers took lines etc. I really emjoyed the company. Can't wait to see you on the next run.


Rob Robertson
94 XLT 4X4 4 door
5.5" Superlift,RS9000s,Warn manual hubs,33 X 12.5's ProComp MTs
"What's Potato Salad Hill?"

You should know that when Rob "Smiley the Big Dog" decided to shred his tires on Steelbender, he was jamming to rock music on his radio/CD and hammering down on the gas peddle. He got just a little overconfident soaring to tunes and didn't think he needed a spotter there.

I told him that the very next mod he needs for his Explorer is a radio quick-disconnect. Dead Link Removed

The overconfidence factor - now that I think about it - seems to be a matter also involving our very own administrator who decided to power up Potato Salad Hill (a world class obstacle known for rollovers and extreme damage) without slowing down to ask for a spotter... oh well, maybe next time....

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

rob - Middle of July. Jeepers go through in august - making a mess of the area. :-)

Gi, thunderhorse, me, and several others have talked about it.

Thomas Davis
93 Mazda Navajo/5.5" superlift, 33x12.5 BFG AT/KO
4.56 gears/lockright/auburn pro

Power up? Nah, I saw a line I liked and eased up the hill. Came pretty close too. The front tires were all the way up to the top.

I'll email you.

I think Rick knew exactly what he was doing! After all he did tell me to get the strap ready! Plus thats how you gotta wheel sometimes. Just hammer it up there!

Ryan Penner
1992 Explorer Sport Modified

Yep, I was just funnin' with you. You planned well and knew what you were getting into. It was smart to make sure Ryan already had a strap ready at the top.

I'll email distribute the personal info we collected to all the participants this afternoon so we can start communicating directly.

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

Ryan, Sand Hill comes to mind. Dead Link Removed

Gerald, I sent an e-mail to Rick with some observations I made on the Top of the World run. It's too bad I didn't take some detailed notes. I did mention that long scrape that the F-150 had when we were descending the hill.

99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

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Rick, I didn't take detailed notes either but will submit a report to you last this afternoon. Tom, thanks for the help. I forgot about that F150 guy Tracy scrapping so hard I could hear him two vehicles back with my windows up.

