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yeh i was thinkin the same thing about first three weeks of august, ehhh summer school and new year.. ehhh..

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you need to change your sig if your keeping your mounty ;) ...

the m&g i'm working on is june 9th and 10th...subscribe to the so cal meet and greet thread and watch the big bear thread too to keep up with the latest and put in your votes for dates...
the m&g i'm working on is next to the main divide road which runs across the top of the hills down here and the tv towers on top of santiago peak and easy access to everything with camping...

Well, I replaced the camera batteries, and it still is sick, so the image sensor died from what I can tell.

I'll pull the pics off it tonight, and then order a new camera from somewhere..

Colin-you're the man, that video is SWEET....

i'll pull you out ;) that is if i have 4 wheel drive, lol...

oh my, i wanna see ur ride in person when its done!! better yet, i want a ride!

did you see my thread project X ???'s going to be home from the tranny shop thursday :D

Great pics look like an awesome time.

I thought i got more pictures but i guess this is all i took.



this is white96x about to get pulled off the starting line at competition hill

theres me!! yay!

watchout, Project X got driven home today, woohoo...i tried the 4x4 button though and got no light to stay on so i am working on getting her up to pismo as a 4x4...

im really excited about the next meet!

I got the full size image, and doing a crop gets me this shot.

Holy batman, I was flying, yet it was like nothing in the zuk!


  • pismo1-034-cropped.jpg
    45.6 KB · Views: 11,347

Tom, your you look through, the winsheild....not over it:p:

or he needs alot taller cage, lmao...

well, i fixed the rangers was the hub and with the hubs from hanzo steel it got remedied, thanks hanzo...someone swapped it with an empty on my hub thread...this week i start looking at the Project X's 4x4 and tc to see why it's unplugged...i keep coming back to this thread to daydream on pismo part deux ...part one was just what i needed...;D

haha yeh i cant wait

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