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Section525 '96 XLT V8 4WD

Fischer.. I didn't do anything after I removed the boards. I still have all the holes there and visible. It doesn't bother be enough to do anything about it.

I'm sure you could find someone who would trade you rocker panels, although probably not on this board). I'd look for people bidding on runningboards on ebay and email them. Good luck.

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Originally posted by section525
I'm still going to raise the bumpers... this is just an "in between picture." I'd also like the thank Jefe for being able to help me with this project from over 500 miles away!

Can someone please enlighten me on how to post multiple pics in the same post?? (I'm usually pretty computer literate)

Lookin' Good Dead Link Removed

As far as posting multiple pictures: The way you're doing it, you can't. You can only attach one picture per post. If you were hosting the pictures somewhere else and using the [img ] tag, then you could do it.

Damn you SUCK!!!!

That looks awesome man. Enlighten us on how hard/easy it was to do a body lift. Keep up the good work....

The body lift was fairly easy. Well, getting the blocks under the body was at least. And aside from the bumper brackets not working, there was one "catch" I was unaware of.

On V8 Explorers, the radiator comes with an "extra" tab on the driver's side. After hours of fighting this thing, Jefe told me that they just cut the tab off (when doing COOLCHRISCUSHs V8 X). If I would have known I had to do that the install would have been much smoother.

Other than that the job was cake. Just time consuming. My stock bolts came out fairly easy for being 6 years old.

glad to hear you got the bodylift! it looks great! i get my car back tonight and i finally got a digital camera so ill take some pics. jefe is just the bodylift king now lol. i actually first heard of the radiator problem from warform when he did his v8 3'' bodylift. so i guess its the same problem for all v8's. well your sure lookin good!

Originally posted by section525
I didn't do anything after I removed the boards. I still have all the holes there and visible. It doesn't bother be enough to do anything about it.

I was always under the impression that something had to be done to fill the holes. You mean that if I took the runningboards off, I could just leave the holes there and not worry about it?

Chase... I'm not sure if you have to fill the holes or not. I think as long as you're not in a rust-prone enviornment, you'll be okay. I've had my runningboards off for about 2 years now and everything looks fine still.

NoBoundries... sorry I didn't see your post before. I'm not sure what the offset is, but I can find out for you.

They are Dead Link Removed " backspacing.

I went to the link, but, still find it hard to believe your running that much backspacing. If so, this is what I wanted to do with 10" rims, instead of 3.75" like everyone else is saying.

I forgot, I'm a 1st gen X and might rub on the radius arms. Maybe 2nd gen X can run more offset.

Originally posted by section525
Chase... I'm not sure if you have to fill the holes or not. I think as long as you're not in a rust-prone enviornment, you'll be okay. I've had my runningboards off for about 2 years now and everything looks fine still.

Hmmm...Would Atlanta be considered a rust prone area? I'm pretty sure it isn't, but I'm not positive. But oh well, I can still get happy that I know I can just take the runningboards off.

Thanks for the info!

Yeah, when I did the bodylift on my V8, I was looking frantically on the site for anyone who did a body lift to a V8, no luck. So I just said heck with it and we hacked that tab off. I was glad nothing came spewing out... until my friend started pulling out the sawzall... he nicked the a/c condensor and well... we breathed in a lot of freon.

Hey Warform.. do you have any pics of your X?

Haven't Updated in a while....

List of current mods:

'99 5.0 Long Block
'99 GT40-P Heads
K&N Custom Intake
FMS 1.6 Roller Rockers
FMS Valve Springs
FMS E-303 camshaft
FMS Headers
Apten Dual Chip
Stock Exhaust :cool:
'99 4R70W
2WD To AWD Conversion

Billet Grille
Removed Pin-striping
Removed Door Molding
Removed Running Boards
Removed Air Dam

2" TT
Pro Comp Add-A-Leafs
Warrior Shackles
3" Performance Accessories Body Lift
American Racing Baja 15x8 wheels
BFG 32x11.50 MTs

'01 Sport Silver Radio Bezel
Bazooka Tube

UPDATED - One year later (to date... random. swear)

Section525 - Chico, CA

1996 Ford Explorer V8

'99 5.0 Long Block
'99 GT40-P Heads
K&N Custom Intake
FMS 1.6 Roller Rockers
FMS Valve Springs
FMS E-303 camshaft
Torque Monster Headers
Apten Dual Chip
Stock Exhaust :cool:
'99 4R70W
2WD To 4WD Conversion
BW1354 Transfer case

Billet Grille
Removed Pin-striping
Removed Door Molding
Removed Running Boards
Removed Air Dam

2" TT
Pro Comp Add-A-Leafs
Warrior Shackles
3" Performance Accessories Body Lift
Weld Racing Super Single IIs 15x8
Goodyear MT/R 33x12.50s

'01 Sport Silver Radio Bezel

Superlift 4" Suspension Lift
Powertrax No-Slip Locker
Remove body lift

Dead Link Removed

Before & After


  • beforeafter.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 804

Your getting a superlift?

Premier said:
Your getting a superlift?

Only if you want to sell me yours. I went into the shop today and they wanted $2100 just for the lift. :rolleyes: A little more and I could go SAS.

time for a solid axle ;) i mean you already rebuilt the whole truck, a couple times... might as well do the SAS ;)

the only orignal part of your truck is the vin # and then just barely :)

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It's looking that way...
