Section525 '96 XLT V8 4WD | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Section525 '96 XLT V8 4WD

Nice! Reminds me of those guys pulling down the basketball hoop with their Explorer. Hahaha

Almost three years since you last posted in here. Wow.

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Yeah, I'm way behind. Too much working, not enough garage time.

Might as well update. Its been over a year. :)

It was too nice of a day to not get a couple pics of the Explorer. I've been working on it the last couple days getting it prepped for its first trip to the snow for some backcountry riding. I'd like to think of it as the Ultimate Snowboard Taxi. :p:





When are you going to build some bumpers for that thing?:rolleyes:


I went over to Pop's shop the other day to work on my tig welding skills (don't ask :( ) and I took a poseur shot to go along with my circa 1999 poseur shot out on his driveway.


LOL, The rear bumper still almost drags:p:

all that work to only make it an extra foot up the hill?

I know. WTF. The only thing that helped was my extra 4" wheelbase. :(

but now you could go over the top of that hill, not just hang the front end up on it,,

Playing around in some rocks:





Good stuff but whhhyyyyyy!?!?! .. did the video have to end so soon?

I know! Videographer got scared I was going to endo. :(

Thanks Corkey!

Two related notes. Hydro Assist works like a champ. But somehow I get mad speed wobbles while going in reverse. :confused: I passed Sarah while we were in the hood and I backed up to talk to her. Giving it a little throttle it started... fish-front-ending?? I saw asphalt out the driver's window... then out the passenger's... then out the driver's again... :p:

My first Popo Award.


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They don't treat the X as a "station wagon" in Ca like they do in Az? In AZ explorers don't need them since they aren't a truck.


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Good point, Mark. I'll look into that.
