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Section525 - SAS D44 - Page 2 (Finishing... maybe)

The other thread was a little too long and a little too old. :( So this is where you can keep up and give great input and advice so we can all get this project out on the trail as soon as humanly possible. :)

So today I had some time and motivation to get out into the shop. Here is what was accomplished.


Bend up some new taller hoops. These will give me more room to grow. They'll also allow my new bling Ballistic Fab shock tabs to angle down giving tons of clearance to the shocks. I also have some BF lower shock mounts which weld to the c's. They're an inch or so higher than my current mounts.


The Pro-Tools notcher. Super bad. Now I keep my retarded cut-off wheel notches out of the build. :confused:


Way better notch than I could ever do.


Pretty high. Looks like I'll have to have a yard sale to get rid of the items that used to be there.


Hugh hoops! It'll all make sense when you see the other side. I'm clearing my FJ60 steering box over there.


Tabs and shock in. Lookin' good.


Both sides. It's as done as it's ever been! :p:


And this is where I left off. I cut the engine brace shorter than I wanted to. I'm a total newb at this bending stuff. So I'll have to wait until Monday at the earliest to pick up some more 1.5".

But I do have about 30' of 1.75" laying around. We'll see what the motivation level is like tomorrow. Maybe I'll start some bumpers! :D

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Any plans for a rear bumper? It seems like you'd get a ticket for not having one and not having tag lights.

Yeah, I'm totally illegal right now. But here is my rough plan for the rear:


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Good point. I don't think that plate it to scale either. So it would probably hang down even further in actuality. I'll probably have to re-work it fo sho.

or get a 98+ gate so you can put the plate up there:D

In fact if you want I have one in perfect condition (different color) that I'll trade you for your current.:D

then all you need is tail lights

is anyone else going to congrad section for passing smog?

Dude, congrats for passing smog!!1! :chug:

Any tips on ditching the 4wheel ABS bs? Sizes of fittings, lines used, etc? Ive gotta trash this stuff when i start on the hoops.

It was super easy. I'll post some pics in a bit, but:

I bought three pre-fabbed lines. A 60", 14", and 6" roughly. I used the 14 and 6 on the axle, with a T connecting the two. 3/16" line with American Flare and American Thread. They have American Flare and Metric Thread. No bueno.

I did it just like the pic I posted before.


The shorter line on the pass side and the middle one on the drivers side. I cut the 60" line to go from the MC to just on the inside of the steering box. So that was the only flare I had to make besides the ones on the MC.

So when you take the lines off that go from the MC to the ABS unit, keep both the fittings.

For my rear line, I just bent the one that used to go to the ABS unit, and redirected it into the MC with the original metric fitting.

Pics soon. :p:

...I am hoping you post pics and info when you wire and connect your ARB...:popcorn:

Thanks mucho! :thumbsup: I was eyeballing it yesterday and wondering if i could just bend the rear line up to the MC. Sweet. :D

Here's a couple pics. I'll eventually get some little weld-on clamps for the hard brake lines and maybe some that'll bolt though one of the diff cover bolts. But this works for now.

EDIT: That shaft in back with the yellow sticker on it is my weed eater. :p: I was confused too.


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With that big hunk'o'ABS gone, I'll have plenty of room for the compressor in a very convenient location. :cool:


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But does it stop?:p:

Eventually. :)

Got the compressor mounted along with the battery tray. Had to do a little bit of notching to clear the hoop, but its in and works great.

I used all existing holes for the compressor bracket. One from the battery tray, one ABS unit, and one from the old fender skirts. So, no drilling. :p:


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Look at all that room! I could take a nap in there!

Testing after mounting the compressor. :p:

There's really not a whole lot of challenge out there. But it's better than drive-way wheeling I guess. Plus its only 4 minutes from the house. :)

Oh yeah, looks like its ready for Thaven!

Looks like its time to build a rear bumper. :cool:


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