SMORR MO 2010--July 16,17, & 18th | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SMORR MO 2010--July 16,17, & 18th

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Smorr pics










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If I had the money I would be at smorr and uwharrie.........

Everyman for themselves .....or.....Pot luck dinner? ..........for Sat evening.

We can make a separate thread and a list of what food everyone is bringing, if we do a pot luck dinner.

Everyman for themselves .....or.....Pot luck dinner? ..........for Sat evening.

We can make a separate thread and a list of what food everyone is bringing, if we do a pot luck dinner.

I will just have to go with the flow on this one gman, in case of the pot luck I wouldn't be good for anything except chips, soda, or something like that. My idea of cooking is eggs (they turn out scambled everytime) or frying taters.

Update: Looks like I will be back in a Baddarse B2 for this event. Jeep is on its way to new home soon hopefully, was a fun trial period but I new I would be back to my roots with the wildest B2 I have had yet and more mods coming.

Well I think I am going to have to change myself to a maybe this year. Just too many problems with the truck right now and I don't know if Ill have the money.

I've got the 4x4 tranny rebuilt and ready to throw in. It looks like I may just be able to have this thing SMORR-Bound in time!

If anybody has a good chainsaw they could bring, that would help in getting some wood for the bonfire. There is available (free) wood on the trails, we just have to cut it up and bring it back to the campsite.

Dislexiclawyer....Sorry to hear your problems with your sport. Hopefully you can still make it and ride shotgun.

MrQ.....Thats great news! It will be worth it!

It will be great to put a face to a lot of these names here!

I will be packing a chainsaw, and plan on cutting 2 loads of wood, last trip out couple weeks ago for the RZR event, only took 30min or less to get 1 load in my superduty. And then was great time with a big ole fire!!!!!
***Helpers would be great for loading and unloading***

Side note hope to have B2 ready, but time will tell- have alot to do
**Edit bronco will be there -I will not swap drivetrain before this so it will be ready**

If not I will have something else ??

[snip]SVO42, where are you guys?[/snip]

Sorry, G! I could have sworn I posted in here earlier...:scratch:.

I highly doubt that we'll make it this year although we'd love to. We have our annual Colorado trip planned the very next week and will likely be leaving the same weekend as this. :( Going to both would be freaking awesome and you never know what can happen, but if everyone wants to start a betting pool I'd give Goldilocks and I about a 10% chance of attendance.

Sorry I haven't been around as much lately--don't think I'm antisocial or anything. Everyone here at at last year's event was great! :chug: I've just been really busy with work and trying to get my SAS done. So really my only activity has been popping in here quickly to update my thread.

I'll try to do better! :)

Its all good SVO42, if you cant make it this time, i know us local Missouri residents try to go several times a year, or at least I do :) and your welcome to join. Which at some point i want to do a trip to Flat nastys in Jadwin, MO again, very simialar to SMORR

Looking at trail map now, and its gonna be kinda hard to show you guys certain routes cause the map is not quite accurate since there are alot of new trails.

For the BIGDAWG run here are few trails that forsure need hit. I listed direction of travel I would recommend and level of difficulty -I have personally tested all these trails :)

Down or Up---------Bronco Buster -3
Down---------------Rocker Knocker- 3
Up **Tuff**--------Waggoner Hill -4
Down or up----------Log Jam- 4
Down---------------Pucker UP- 4
Down *tricky*-------Cheap Trick-5
Down or UP----------Larrys Hill- 3
Start at Cedar lane---Black Mamba- 3
Up & down *tricky*---VNotch- 4
Down-----------------Rocky road- 4 **Gman tested LOL**
Down-----------------Steves Puppylicker- 5 **New trail funny name**

These are some of my favorites not sure what order yet.

Stay off Double Whammy or this will happen LOL

Notice co-pilot :)

Also I think the night run will be very similar to the stocker 33 & under run, So everyone can go on that, and then once that loop is complete back to the bonfire.

Like this + more people

The Stocker Run will have trails like this and 31s should get you thru just fine, Gregs rig was test dumby and made it fine, no scratches or damage -I think :)



Stocker Run recommended trails

-Peewee Crossing 2
-Sidewinder 2
-New -Unlabled Creek Bed trail, continues from Peewee, exits into Ranch Road, near the bottom of Rocker Knocker *Most purple explorer creek pics are on this trail*
-Down Bronco Buster -from Cedar lane into creek trail
-Armarillo Pass *FUN High speed at Night LOL*
-High Mountain Pass 2
-Cherokee Pass 2
-Keller Circle
-Possibly Gaurd Rail 3- I will need to check it out again seemed OK
-Possibly down Stocker Stopper on left side entrance 3

So plenty to do !!!! Its gonna be a great time!!!!

So there will be plenty to do

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The Purple 94 made it through the entire day with out any damage whatsoever. :)

Sorry about the profanity in that pic, I just crawled out of it, after Brad laid it on its side on a ledge while attempting going up the waterfall. As you can see, we didn't make
Thank gawd for 4 point harnesses!

Crazy part of that was when those other guys(not with us) lifted it back upright (without saying anything), it rolled down the waterfall ledges backwards till it hit one of their Jeeps stopping it from rolling again!:rolleyes:

Sounds like the Trail guide Master has got us lined up for some great wheeling!:thumbsup:

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