Someone talk me out of this... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Someone talk me out of this...


Explorer Addict
September 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pella, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport and '89 B2
I've been seriously thinking lately to take a hiatus from "Off Roading" as a hobby. It's probably been at least 3 years since I've been to an off road park. They are mostly a pretty good drive from where I live except a private club one that's close where most of the rigs are buggies with tractor tires and it's an old open pit coal mine where you have some timber creek driving and climb some big steep mining tilling piles.

The B2 sits as an obstacle to mow around in the back yard which is pretty much a rolling chassis on a D60 and sterling rear. I haven't touched it for at least two years since I was working on my boat project. Now that the boats done I'm finding it hard to want to go back to working on the B2. It might be tough to imagine, but there are a lot more opportunities close by for me to boat at, and the wife seems to participate more and like boating more than off roading. Which is a big deal because there aren't a lot of hobbies we share together. I also don't see the B2 being used very often once it is completed.

So, someone talk me out of cutting my losses and parting out the B2 project...

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How much for the D60 shipped to 25404?

Yeah, it's pretty hot outside huh?

I say give it a bit more time. The boat is a new toy--water feels good, but you'll miss the B2 sooner than you think.

Biggest mistake I made was selling my (last) explorer... I have a family of 4 now and a ranger sitting in the garage waiting to be worked on (need the funds). The explorer was done, paid for and could have been used the past 2 years for family camping/wheeling.

Keep it.

You know how much it will cost to build another one, and you know you wont get back half of what you spent. Keep it until you're 100% sure it wont be used again.

Unless you need the money. In that case....

How much for the D60 shipped to 25404?

I don't think not having a BII would prevent you from off roading if the Explorer is still set up for the task.

While it's great having a built trail-specific rig, it's not for everyone. Sometimes a daily driver that can do some off-roading makes more sense than having a toy that is basically a money pit you use once in a great while. You may find this to be the case in your current situation.

If you're still sort of on the fence about letting go, then put a price tag on it and let that make the decision for you. If you can get a good chunk for it, great. If you can only get a little back parting it out and will end up eating a huge loss, maybe keeping it and getting it to a finished point might be better, even if you still end up selling it.

It doesn't cost anything to throw it on CL, the forum, and a few other places. If it's just going to sit, you may as well have it sitting and for sale just in case it's just what someone else is looking for and maybe you'll get what you want for it.

You could still always work on it in the meantime, and if nothing changes and you just aren't feeling it, you'll have your answer and will be ready to sell if and when you have a buyer.

Thanks for the advice. I think I will hold onto it for a little while longer. I'm sure I will get the urge for some metal fabbing sooner or later.
