Summertime Rubicon Trip | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Summertime Rubicon Trip

The only date(s) I have in mind:

1) Trailtough usually has a run in June. This is the run I plan to try and make. I don't know when this run is exactly.

June 22, 23 is a FOTR work weekend, so there is a chance of delays.

June 16/17 is fine so far.

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Just a note that the 17th is fathers day though.

That works out even better since I'll have my father with me and my kids as well. It will be a fathers day without the women ;)

Looks like Show is out because he just got extended for another 3 months in the sand box.

Yea, I saw that - makes me wonder what service he is in (I know it's the Navy).

He's always welcome any time.

The season is fast approaching!

I'm in for the trip. Has a date been established yet?

I have no single date in mind. Multiple trips, with small groups is fine with me, and can make the trail easier, faster, and more interesting to run.

For instance, in my head I want to do a June, July, August and possibly September runs.

If your in NorCal, we can go just about any time.. :D Day trips are also possible.

I'd still like to head up there, July or Aug would work best for me. My bank account needs recharging after Moab.

I am going to have to be a web wheeler again. I have so many projects going on right now and I am running out of time. Between the new roof, recreation room, drainage, and disneyland trip all to do before July 11th when I deploy again, I am tapped. On top of that, my brother-in-laws explorer that we have been working on in between the house projects won't be done in time due to finances and I just added a 67 mustang to the mix that my son and I are rebuilding for him.

We are planning to make T-haven for Thanksgiving 2007 if not the anual in Feb 2008.

Rubicon aug 18

I will be running it this year with a group of early broncos, we will be going in on the Tahoe side, there may be room in that group for a few more if there are any of you that this date works for.

I've decided to head up on July 5, 6, 7, and back down on the 8th.

yea ha!

I'm already going wheelin this weekend...maybe Aug. if you decide to go again:thumbsup:

I'm going to probably be working at USC in a couple months. IF by some fluke of nature anyone is heading up there then i'd be willing to drive up. Never been...and considering I'll probably never be in california for pleasure I prolly better take advantage of it (schedual my work on a friday and come back sunday LOL **never happen** :( )

If nobody gets a run together for Rubicon when you are out here then post up in the california explorers forum. I'm sure we can get a Big Bear run together and it's only a couple hours away from LA;)

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If nobody gets a run together for Rubicon when you are out here then post up in the california explorers forum. I'm sure we can get a Big Bear run together and it's only a couple hours away from LA;)

hehehehe will do! :thumbsup:
