Sunroof Switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sunroof Switch


Well-Known Member
January 2, 2007
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To save me pulling it all apart to find out, i was wondering if anybody knows whether or not the sunroof switch should light up, like the window switchs do? Also whether the buttons for the overhead display should light up, the lights and mode buttons. They look like they just have white lettering painted onto the rubber buttons.

I don't think either the buttons or the switch do, but in the 9 years I've had mine, I've honestly never noticed. Now you've got me wondering... I'll have to check tonight!

Thanks. I wonder why they don't light that switch up, considering it is bascially the same switch used for the windows that they light up, but then again i guess they don't expect much usage of the sunroof at night, lol.
