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The POSITIVE Thread!


Explorer Addict
February 13, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Guys!!

I just wanted to start a thread that was completely POSITIVE. In these times we live in, with the economy how it is and the war going on, we come face-to-face with sadness and negativity too much these days!

So, whatever you have POSITIVE to say, throw it here!!:D

Today was a great, relaxing day for me. We had a couple of friends over last night til late, so we slept in til about 1:30!!:eek: Gotta Love That!!!

Then sat around and watched TV and had a few "cold" ones!

The only thing I really accomplished at all today was to build one PHAT A$$ scratching post for our new kitty.

Since then, had a great dinner and been watching TV since.


What Good News Do You Have To Share??


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1. This is the BEST web site on the net..........

2. EXPLORERS are the Best

3. Robb is teh coolest for starting this thread

4. I had the BEST day


I spent most of the day sleeping, really needed to catch up. Then I worked on a computer program for one of my classes and got it mostly finished. It was very difficult and it was exciting to see the finished program!

My little boy, is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I have gotten very little sleep this past week and a half, been peed on four times, pooped on once, and spit up on many, many times but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I thought my life was already perfect, but htis little angel has changed it in so many ways for the better. I never knew it could be this good.

I had to work all morning, but had fun doing it for once, Sundays are pretty lazy around work...Then tinkered/detailed the new X all afternoon...What a great day! :D

I live in America. Makes every day - even the one's that get you down - a good day... :)

Originally posted by mmpc
I live in America. Makes every day - even the one's that get you down - a good day... :)


A good suggestion with all the negative vibes in these complex times! MY positive statement:

I'm POSITVE that the world is COMPLETELY NUTS!

but I love America ...and I'm never going back!!!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Heres my 2 cents!
Great weekend! Washed Explorer for 1st time since Snow started in Richmond this winter. Cleaned out spare bedroom. Goth halfway through cleaning out garage (that was all day job)! Feel Great to get something accomplished!!!

I got a great(cough) job at the local 4x4 shop. What could be better than that!! I'm hear listening to a new CD with my newly installed surround sound.

i just came home from wendy's. god bless the dollar menu! 2 junior bacon cheezeburgers and a medium fry and a coke for 4 bucks! oh, and i got a girlfriend this weekend too. but let me tell you, wendys is the place to be!

Just finished a day of fun in my ex. Solved a few problems, found a few more.... spent some money, cleaned it up, ate good food.... and slept in late.

It was a very good day! (except for the news)

Originally posted by nweibley
Just finished a day of fun in my ex. Solved a few problems, found a few more.... spent some money, cleaned it up, ate good food....

your explorer right :D

i just got back from Miami, it was the best break that i have ever had, never had more fun in my life!

I have a 12 pack of beer and i dont have to work tomorrow what more could i ask for?:chug: HAHA Robb You have to work tomorrow and I dont:D

I had an especially great day. I have been on some sort of a, well how can I say this, drought. And today I had a female caller;) . So I am pretty happy about that. Oh yeah, and no homework for the first time. What a great day.

I had an excellent weekend! Friday nite, an evening at the bars... saturday... House party and then the bars... Made new friends with a few of the ladies.... came close with a a couple of em... :D Beautiful weather... Back to another great week of school (This is odd, but lately I've been Mr. Positive and Mr. Happy all the time and I'm loving it! Off to lay down in my cozy sleeping bag, on my comfy bed! (yes, I sleep in my sleeping bag because it's quicker to make my bed! :p )All to watch some TV eat some snacks drink something and off to a lovely nite of sleep!

Enjoy all! :cool:

Hey guys great thread. I sat around my house all day and the phone didn't even ring once :) well it's good to hear the about the positive things in life sometimes.(all the time). Have a good one.

My stock value is up 20% in one week. That's a positive.

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I got really f***ing drunk this weekend. :chug:

Had Friday and Saturday off of work, spent Friday at Santa Monica beach and Venice with friends, spent the rest of the weekend with family, worked on the Jeep, it was a good weekend.

