The smell of GAS, where would you start? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The smell of GAS, where would you start?


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Ok, so nothing new added or taking away that has to do with any of the gas line. Smell started about 3 days ago. You dont smell it while its sitting off

*~example: After its been parked for the night, go out to start it to take kids to school, no gas. Now go back out after 5-10 mins after its started and warmed up, smell of gas.

At stop signs/red lights, smell of gas.

Stopping and parking it, get out and smell of gas.*~

No visual signs of gas on the ground or inside the engine bay.

Where would you start with the search. Smell comes from driver side only. Ive tried smelling it out, but couldnt sniff it to the point :).

this might explain why im getting 180 or less on a full tank.

Check List:
Gas cap is on tight.

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Fuel pump

just came in from garage. i figured one of first things people would say is to check the fuel pressure... haha i tried.. my pressure gauge blew up and sprayed fuel every where.

there is no VISUAL leak at the charcoal canister or relief valve.

the smell is definitely coming from the front end; back of driver door where it meets driver side rear door towards motor bay

also now that snow is gone and can see driveway, my asphalt driveway has yellow stains around driver side fender.

2 things I think of causing that kind of gas smell:

1) Fuel leak as you've already started looking for. That area (middle driver's side) is where the gas tank is. On this forum, we have seen a few whose metal lines coming out of the fuel pump have corroded. A fuel pressure test will allow you to see if there is a possible leak in the supply line, but it won't allow you to test the return line or the EVAP line or the tank itself.

2) Another common cause is a clogged EVAP system or a non-functioning CANP solenoid/valve. If the EVAP system is not working, then the charcoal cannister gets saturated with gasoline vapors and you start to smell it. This tends to come from the driver's side, too, though more forward toward the engine bay. I think I would test by hooking up a vacuum gauge to the EVAP line going to the CANP solenoid, test drive, and see if the solenoid is opening.

@MrShorty I dont have a tester for the vacuum test. the canister and solenoid thought i looked at greatly. because the smell is strongest at the underside of the wheel well.

the solenoid is original along with canister. take the mushroom knobs off top of canister, it looks bone dry and no smell.

crawled under her, seen no leaks what so ever. however, the top line of the fuel lines is badly rusted (lovely Ohio weather). standing there i went back to gas tank after seeing that line and sniffed/looked around. you can smell it back there to but still stronger at front tire wheel well

check your fuel filter. It is mounted to the frame on the drivers side about a foot behind the wheel well. There is a protective plate over the filter, the filter is attached to it with a hose clamp. The hose clamp can trap water and cause corrosion which will first ooze gas that you can smell but cannot see.
Left long enough the corrosion will get worse and gas will drip to the ground.

@ol ben, already checked, that was one of the things I checked right off bat, thats how I noticed the top line in the three fuel lines, top was/is rusted.

hey will the charcoal canister and solenoid make it smell at tank as well? i have a chance to get those two parts at a huge discount.

that will suck if its fpr since you gotta take off intake etc to do it.. less then 1k miles ago i replaced a faulty fpr and injectors.

i need to go pick up a fuel pressure tester, mine blew up today when i went to check the pressure, the gauge its self prayed gas everywhere.

ill pull codes now, when i pulled them about a week or so ago, it was MAF sensor.. always been maf sensor

Ah, the smell is in front... I concur, FPR.

im gonna start reading those. i went and pulled codes; paper clip method

KOEngine OFF
157 543 repeat
157 (have always gotten this one since I bought it.)
Mass Air Flow signal is/was low or grounded - MAF
543 (NEW!!!)
Fuel pump monitor circuit shows no power - Power / Fuel Pump Circuits

KeyO Engine Running
111 System checks OK

Yeah, after you check the ECM --then check the fuel pump relay socket for heat damage. The power wire off the relay will often show a hot connection due to the lug connector being a tad loose.

after i get the kids from school ill start checking the PCM, where is it?

how do i start to check/fix the two codes I got. thanks.

ran outa time w/ kids and other things. i will do fuel test tomorrow, i got the tester, hopefully this one dont break.

plus pull the computer

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Get some plastic tubing and sniff through it.... Of course, sniffing gas has it's own issues.....


i can give an update on this though.

the little driving i had to do w/ the kids, i did notice (since its 60*f here today) with window down that you could smell it when you come to all stops, not inside the ex but still on outside of it. still strongest to the front of the ride but a slight at the rear.

could that open loop in the relay be causing it? ecm out tomorrow.
