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tires or gears first

Not ot hi-jack the thread but next year I am planning on running 33's with 4.10's. But I have a 5.0L and plan on swapping the trans case and also intalling torque moster headers and a Bama chip.

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No idea on the install cost yet. Ill call ford tomorrow and that should give me a high figure :rolleyes: I need to find someplace that will put gears in I already have as I have a used set for the 8.8 already. I guess I could let the shop order the fronts as I have no idea where to get them. Do you need anything special for the front (besides reverse cut) like the notched crosspin on the rear?
Also, I should get my limited slip rebuilt for the back while im at it right? Do you have to reset the gears to do it? On an somewhat related note, im trying to convince our 11 year old she should go to mechanic school. :)

The local ford dealership wants 575 labor only on the rear diff. LOL
Randy's is only 420 :/

Personally, I dont want to pay more than 350 :)

mysticclam said:
Personally, I dont want to pay more than 350 :)

Good luck :D

mysticclam said:
Do you need anything special for the front (besides reverse cut) like the notched crosspin on the rear?
Also, I should get my limited slip rebuilt for the back while im at it right? Do you have to reset the gears to do it?

For the front you wont need anything special if you dont plan on replacing the stock carrier/roll pin and whatnot. The front doesnt use a bolt to hold the cross pin in; you do not need to notch it, you actually have to remove the carrier from the differential to remove it. If you buy a new carrier/roll pin and cross shaft, Spicer uses two different size roll pins, but one size cross shaft! yes, they expect you to use the small roll pin with the cross shaft designed for the roll pin twice its size!! i know its OK, because thats how mine is set up :thumbsup:

Thats the major difference between setting up the 8.8 and the reverse d35. The c-clip comes out with out removing the cross shaft. And the cross shaft cannot be removed without removing the carrier. It might be possible, but you will end up creating more work then you have too.

BTW, your not gonna find gears for the d35 from anywhere except from a private seller. I can tell ya that. But definatly get new clutch packs. You dont have to reset the gears to rebuild it. If you do have to remove the carrier, it wont be a big deal aslong as you dont mix the carrier shims up between left and right (that goes for the bearing caps aswell.) This is because these differentials (both 8.8 and 35) are an outside shim design. Simply removing the carrier isnt going to change any tolerances aslong as you put the shims back where they went. But incase you do mix up the shims... more then likely the wider shim is on the right, and the thinner is on the left. It will probably be like .255 on the left, and .280 on the right.

I thought the gear shortage would be over by now. Is the 4.10 ratio unavailable as well? I could go a couple months without 4wd but I cant change the rear ratio and then have them not have the front available forever. RRRGGGGHHHH.

Also, when looking for gears will any d35 reverse cut work or is there a specific version for the d35ttb in our trucks?

try accu-auto, they have a good selection and pretty good prices. They might be have your gears. Also, some shops can get the gears straight from maunfacturers which might be quicker. (4.10s are available)

If im looking at gears from a private seller how do i make sure they are reverse cut? Im talking to a guy who claims to have a set and that its reverse cut. I guess im asking is that as long as its reverse and dana 35 will it work or are there reverse cut d35 gears that wont fit the explorer application?

awesome, i will get them. Hey, this is probably a no brainer but I bet I could save a couple bucks bringing them the axle instead of the entire truck. I have no problems with pulling the axle. Now on the front you can pull just the center section correct?

Yeah the gear shortage sure sucks. I was waiting for my 4.56 since May. Finally got it last week and back in the truck. The 4.10s and 5.13s were available quite a bit before the 4.56. That may be something you might want to consider.

yes you will most likely save money by dropping the axles. For my shop it will save me 200$ (100 per axle) to drop them, drain them, and open them up. Any work that you can do to get them ready will usually save you money.

I found a guy who will set up my gears for 250 (rear) said might be a bit more front.
Whoooo Hoooooo. Im am so happy. Friend of a Friend kind of deal. Yeah!

On the side of the ring gear the manufacturer will have their logo, the ratio, and if its reverse rotation it will have an 'R' engraved into it.

Mine had the Precision Gear logo and "M35-R" engraved on to it.

Accu-Auto will usually run some killer deals if you catch them at the right time.

you could save the most money by taking them just the carrier, even easier than the axle. Just unbolt it at the driveshaft and TTB, take the shafts off and take it to the gear shop.

you dont need gears for 33s. i drove for two years with not a prob.

im sure you could get by without them, but i enjoy driving my explorer less with 31s than I did with stock tires so Id be unhappy driving 33s with 3.73s. Plus over 2 years id bet I save at least half the cost of gears in gas. I think it will be good.
