Torsion Bar Twist Problem HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Torsion Bar Twist Problem HELP!


January 12, 2013
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City, State
Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Eddie Bauer Explorer
Just yesterday I did the whole torsion bar twist thing on my 96 EB, my problem is, after doing it and getting about 1.7 inches, it goes back down to only about a half inch increase from my original height, is this normal and I just have to go turn the bolts more or are the bars bending? I am just afraid that this may mess up my front suspension.

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It should settle a little, but that seems like a lot. What strength are your bars? There should be a sticker on them. If you have the softer bars, you will not get as much lift from the TT as guys with the stiffer bars.

Thanks for the reply, but I just figured it out, my explorer front wheels lean in a bit at the top (I need and alignment), so when I would lift it with my jack it would make them go back on the floor in the correct position, and when I would drive it my wheels would do back to how they were before, I am thinking this was the issue all along becuase not they are staying at 1.6 inches where I had them.

Yea, you need an alignment bad - could be bad ball joints too, keep an eye on them. Glad you figured it out, good luck man.

my driver side screwed all in passenger side is not and 2 1/2 lift, driver's side suspension is almost always more worn than pass. sides

Mine is the same way, my drivers side was a quarter of an inch lower than passenger, so I ended up adjusting the torsion bars earlier today so the driver side is 1.75 and passenger is only 1.5 so really they are now level and both 1.5 inches higher.
