Treadwright tires anyone? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Treadwright tires anyone?

Ive never used a retread but im definitely gunna give it a shot.

I agree with the semi statement. Driving a 3,000 pound vehicle for 60,000 miles on a set of tires isnt the same as driving a 80,000 pound semi 200,000 miles. If retread tires can hold up on semis, a SUV shouldnt be a problem.
Haven't you ever seen a long strip of semi tire tread along the side of the freeway where it's flown off of a truck? With duals they can actually keep going with one of them destroyed, at least to get to the next truck stop. With a passenger vehicle it can be dangerous. I once bought a set of retreads and took off on a trip cross country for the summer. When I got back only one of them was still in use. The other 3 had all flown apart on the road, two of them resulting in near-misses. Hopefully the technology has improved but I'll stick to new tires.

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The only reason why semi's run retreads is because its Cheap in the long run. Look at it this way some trucking companies 'say' have over 5,000 trailers, thats 40,000 tires (8 a trailer), thats not counting the 1,000 tractors, another 10 for them. So running 50,000 tires and replacing 10% a year thats 10,000 tires, you won't buy new ones unless they are completely un-retreadable. . on that scale retreads make sense and any unit savings is significant. I would never ever put a retread on my truck we only have one tire per corner - imho.

Yeah, I've heard a lot of the same argument about retreads. :scratch: But I have yet to hear of one testimonial where a customer bought TreadWright retreads and had a blowout. I've literally been researching this company for months, and all I've heard are amazing things. Most people claim to have put 30,000-40,000 miles on their TreadWrights. They really have an outstanding reputation.

I don't make rash decisions, and so I feel comfortable with my decision to go with these retreads. That's a decision for each person to make though.

Now that that's out of the way...

I put the tires on last night. OHMYGOSH. I love them. They look mean, and they howl like banshees on the highway. Oddly enough they ride smoother than my old AT's.

I got the 31" MT's and they cleared everywhere except the right front. I trimmed about 1.5 inches off the inside of my bumper with a sawzall (you can't even tell) and now they fit perfect. Didn't have time to take them anywhere but an old logging road, but even there the difference was noticable. I parked at my old shooting grounds and decided to park the front tires up on a dirt mound (now that I can..) and nearly fell out of the truck getting out.

:exporangeThese tires absolutely change the look of my vehicle. Grocery-Getter to Trail Rig in less than $500. I'll post pics later this afternoon when I decide to get off my lazy :censored:

If anyone has questions about these please ask away. I'm the kind of guy that complains to everyone I know when I get screwed by a company, so I like to talk a company up when I feel like I got a great deal.

(No, I don't work for TreadWright, and no, they don't give me free stuff :D)

Okay. I've had the tires on for a couple of days now, and had a chance to get some real driving out of them. They are loud. They hum & howl and sound like a mack truck coming down the freeway. I'm still young enough where I think loud is cool, so it doesn't bother me at the moment. :D

But on to what everyone wants--the pictures! I took the truck out to a trail to get some dirt on it and by the time I got there it was getting dark. My digital camera's batteries were dead and my cell phone can't take a picture unless it's a bright sunny day. So here's what I got in the parking lot earlier that day with my cell phone:




I'll try to remember to update these pics once I get the digicams batteries recharged, but I'm not making any promises--I find myself driving a lot more now with the new tires.

Oh--and a comparison shot from before:

Next on the todo list is extended diff breathers & fabbing a new front bumper.

Any rubbing in turns? They look good, just a little snug. Mine are loud as hell, too. You get used to it.

Any rubbing in turns? They look good, just a little snug. Mine are loud as hell, too. You get used to it.

When I first put them on they rubbed just a little bit on the right side when I turned left. Quick work with a sawzall and I eliminated that problem. However, when I'm going down a steep decline and either turn or a hit a bump, the front tires definatly rub. I'll be adding either the TT & Warrior Shackles or just going out and getting the Ranger 3" body lift.

Do it all. You're gonna want to eventually. :D

T W tires

Had a set on my 94 x.Live in s. cal and ran the heck out of them.Ran desert,rocks,you name it,also my daily driver.So lots of freeway 65+ mph,put over 30,000 miles on them and never had a problem.They got a little loud after awhile.I would still run them but went bigger.Still have them,going to put them on my daughters 4 runner.Good luck with yours.

Today's retreads must pass NHTSA requirements, the days of treads being glued to the carcass are long gone, treadwright uses vulcanizing process which is very common in most retreads these days. Some people will never be convinced of retreads, some will even have urban legends to back them up. To the skeptics, no one is forcing you to try retreads, it's your money, buy 8 dozen sheep and strap em to your rims for all I care.

Thanks for the pics stop and stare.

Anyone tried other tires of theres?

I've used their OTR tread in 31" before, great tire in snow. Those tires would dig and dig.


I can't view the pics?

I wouldn't EVER suggest anyone use retreaded tires for a daily driven vehicle or anything that sees highway speeds. They might be ok for low-speed off-road use.

I'd say get a less expensive brand like Cooper, General, or Dunlop, or even a store brand like Big O. Waiting for an incredible sale deal or a rebate offer works, too.

Not trying to bash, but it is people like you, that have opinions with out any experience of using the tire at hand yet say it is bad, that should not post comments.

Also to everyone else, I just ordered a set of 31's,, with the bf all terrain tread, and I will post pics and let you know how they work out. I really wanted the MTR's but when it comes right down to it my Mountaineer will be driven on the road 95% of the time, so the AT's should work better for me.

Also, I have read dozens of reviews from magazines to personal uses, and every single one had only good things to say about the tires. One magazine, I can't remember the name of had a problem with the MT's chunking, but treadwright, the makers of the tire, stated this was from a bad rubber supplier and they do not use that supplier anymore, this was from several years ago as well.

I was very wary of the tires myself, but after reading all of the good comments, not to mention they are only 75 a piece, I decided to try a set. The warranty is 2yr/24000 mile as well.

Just posting my two cents since I have been heavily researching these retread tires.

Later, Robert

Anyone have any current discount codes? Like free shipping or a percentage off? The one's i'm finding online don't work.

(yes, I'm cheap, looking for a discount on already great priced retreads... :D)

Got the BF A/T Copycat from them in the mail today, and if it didn't have treadwright stamped in the side-tread you wouldn't have even known they were retreads, sidewalls look pretty much brand new, and the tread looks very impressive as well. They will get mounted up on Saturday and will get a 150 mile trip, so I will update and hopefully will have pics soon as well. < Robert

I just got my treadwrights in the mail (had them delivered to work at a business address to save on shipping). I got the BFG copies in a 265/75R16 to put on the sport since the TrXus had seen better days and winter is coming. They even came on BFG "carcasses" so they look exactly like a BFG AT would. I'll post picts in a few days when they get mounted. I'm planning on cleaning up the wheels and re clear coating them while the tires are off.

That's exactly what I plan on putting on my '00 Eddie. Can't wait to see the pictures when you're done so I know how it looks, minus 2 doors:thumbsup:

That's exactly what I plan on putting on my '00 Eddie. Can't wait to see the pictures when you're done so I know how it looks, minus 2 doors:thumbsup:

It looks good, I have them on my 00 Mounty, I hope to get pics up soon as well.

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Any update on pictures from you guys?

I'll be getting new tires before February (Inspection is up, and tires are currently at 2/32, PA minimum) So I'd love to see how they fit.
