turbo on a 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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turbo on a 4.0


Well-Known Member
April 25, 2006
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Bloomfield, Indiana
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ok, so something for the futuer.
im planing on slapin a t3 turbo into my truck,4.0,
we will be taking the exhaust from the y pipe, and then runing it up to hte engine bay, placing in the turbo and runing the exaust back out the back. now we have a delima, we are unsure of where to run an oil drain from hte turbo, we got the oil feed, but now where to drain! we thought about the oil pan, but its alluminum. so we have no clue, any input would rock.
and any inpute on the whole turbo thing would rock thanks

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BOOM goes the engine....haha....

Im not sure what would happen. There is no way that i would have a turbo on anything that goes offroad. When it spools up yll over power and snap something.

Hi, this is the forum sub-system telling you that the next few replies in this thread will be about why you shouldn't put a turbo in your already aging 4.0L engine mated to what most would argue as the weakest transmission used in an Explorer.

But as for the oil return line, just drill the aluminum oil pan and put a drain plug in it -- except use a threaded hose-bard instead of the plug.

well this truck dont see much off road, not by choice, lack of offroad sites!
and i know that its not the best of ideas to put this in, but im prolly going to rebuild my other 4.0 and drop it in after a bit of runnin the turbo.
so i will have a fresh new engine. and i got the M5OD
the auto couldnt handle my driving, so i swithced to manual!
so the trannys not the super gay a4ld that is horible and brakes.
and my buddie is a car god so im good on that part, hes gon to ivy tech for schooling on cars, his dad owns a drag car, and they all grew up around engines, so if there was something that could have potential to brake im sure to have it fixed before it goes and causes damage!

spend your money wisely and dyno tune it right. Dont boost it up to much, i wouldnt say anymore than 8psi. Ive done alot of turbo work over the past ten years, and i cant stress dyno tuning enough to people who want a properly running turbo car that will hold together.

yea deff. my buddy that has the turbo said he talked to some one to campare my truck his escort and my brothers eclipse. my truck was by fare the most horse and torque
the eclipse was next and the the escort, then in weight it was escort at 2400, eclipse at 2800 and my truck at 4000 lol!
hes all about runnin a turbo on the escort, oh and its not just the escort its a wagon, hes got the gt grill and the wheels, looks pretty sweet to me!
but hes wanting to get enough outa his turbo to beat the eclipse, he comes close due to being 400 pounds lighter! and he jsut picked up a 5speed for it!
so its gona be all the better!
and he knows what hes doing!
he does a ton of reserch on his stuff before ever even thinking about trying it!
so i have a ton of faith in the boy to give me a lot but not to much that im going to blow it up!

For the turbo drain, dont drill the hole in the oil pan. You may drill a small pilot hole, but you should use a punch to make the hole larger- that way there is something for the threads of a fitting to tap into. Also there will be less oil shaving in the pan. Now if you are dropping the pan, go ahead and drill the hole and put in a bulk head fitting or weld one on.

what were the dyno numbers for your truck, and what mods did you have?

what were the dyno numbers for your truck, and what mods did you have?

i never ran it through a dyno, i wish i could tho, and the only mod i have is the TB mod, and 31s i know i would be faster with smaller tires, les to push!
but as of right now there are no mods, im wanting to do a cold air intake on it, then run the turbo, and finsih my exhaust
