well its decided, I am going Full width D44 / 9" on my 91 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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well its decided, I am going Full width D44 / 9" on my 91


Well-Known Member
September 4, 2006
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91 Eddie Bauer
I was with all my buddies who are all Early Bronco owners and after 4 wheeling up in McCaslin ( Lakewood, WI ) and watching 2 hours of Videos, I ended up purchasing a set of Full Width Axles, a D44 with a Mini Spool, all new brakes, u joints and hubs, and a 9" with a full spool . Gear ratios are 4.10's which need to be changed to 5.38's when I can, but will have to due for now.

They also are going to help fab these up in teh explorer on one long weekend here coming up in preperation for a badlands trip coming up in October. I will keep you all posted with progress.

I am PUMPED for this too! $250 for a set of the above mentioned axles, complete and help with fabbing everything up. It is GREAT to have friends help that have knowledge in this area!

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Nice buy, I don't think I would like a mini spool in the front

its a HUGE benefit when off road at times, I just leave one hub unlocked so it would steer and I'd just lock it in when I need all 4 wheels pulling. kind of like a poor mans locker.

wow thats a great deal..sell me a set

damn i need friends like that

I didn't think they made matching 5.38's When i bought my gears i was going to buy as low as i could and 5.13s where the only thing that matched up.

I didn't think they made matching 5.38's When i bought my gears i was going to buy as low as i could and 5.13s where the only thing that matched up.

I'm runnign 5.38s in my D44 and 5.43s in my 9"..... not a perfect matchm but close enough not to worry. you can actually go into the 7s on the 9" but IIRC, the lowest you can go on a D44, is like a 5.7something.


I knew the 9" went way down there. I was looking for a perfect match. I would have went into the 7's if the 44 followed.

I knew the 9" went way down there. I was looking for a perfect match. I would have went into the 7's if the 44 followed.
I was gonna go as deep as I could too, but I ended up settling (sp?) for the 5.43s b/c I've been told that if you get too deep of gears, and your crawl ratio can actually overpower your brakes..... and I dind't wanna find out. haha

With the completion of the sas I have yet to drive it with the 5.13's but im going to find out soon. Spas just did her's and already ordered 5.13's after driving it once with 4.56's. I would rather keep the gears a bit higher and get a doubler, that way I have more options and the doublers low low ranger is still lower than ill ever need. A doubler kit you can get for $350~, almost less then the cost of gears and install kits.

that's a pretty good point, especially if you're going to be a streeter. But if you're going to running 35's or bigger i'd go with at least 5.13's because of the loss of power.

that's a pretty good point, especially if you're going to be a streeter. But if you're going to running 35's or bigger i'd go with at least 5.13's because of the loss of power.

I agree 100%

But im saying im running 5.13's and 36's and If I would wanted to drive mine onroad I definatly shoulda gone 4.88's and a doubler, offroad 5.13's and a doubler never hurt anyone :D

I drove my Explorer from DC to Paragon on 5.13s and 36" SXs and, power and gas wise, it did fine. I kept it at 50 to 55 mph during most of the trip.

The cost of tickets you should of gotten in theory cancels out the good gas milage. :p:

What type of double are you using?
