What's your MFT wallpaper? Please share!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What's your MFT wallpaper? Please share!!

Helicopter, very nice! We are thrilled to finally have an MFT to put wallpaper on!

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That's a great pic! Looks awesome! I saw you took delivery today in your order thread, congrats!

Man! That is really cool Helicopter!

It's some artwork done by Hugh Syme for Rush's Clockwork Angles album. It just screams "Explorer" to me. It also helps that they are my #1 favorite band.

Doesn't anyone else find the irony of taking pictures of a picture.... :)

My background. A pix my wife took at a lake in the Pocono Mountains.



Those Sirius presets are almost my exact ones that I have saved minus Disney radio.

On a side note, I was in the Phoenix area a few weeks ago for the weekend. I sure do love being over there during monsoon season. I saw some really cool thunderstorms.

Those sand storms and lightening shows are right out of the movie "The Mummy"

Those sand storms and lightening shows are right out of the movie "The Mummy"

No kidding!! I definitely could get used to seeing a nice lightning show every night. I'm lucky if we get a thunderstorm here. They usually only happen around 3 times a year.

Lol, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has the Howards and Disney :cool:

My wallpapers

This is my first post here. I'm a new 2013 Explorer XLT owner. I have the metallic green, with light stone leather interior. I de-badged it and added DeeZee black running boards. Love my car!

Airdog07, cool wallpapers! Some of those are great and so crisp! But what's with that soul-sucking logo in the last two? Lol

Thanks Liratoad. I use the last two when the mft starts to freeze up to make it mad..l:Dl

Are all of them from that site?
I love the ones with 4 quadrants - like #1 and 7
but I don't see them on that site.

Am I missing them?

If you're from Indiana...it HAS to be this !!


I love this one. But I'd like one small change and I have no PhotoShop skills.
Could someone add the "Driver" and "Passenger" to the "Climate quadrant"?

Ideally getting them to appear right between the seat heating/cooling buttons, and the two temps that are overlayed on this image by MFT?


  • graphic1iph2.jpg
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Please excuse my question............

But how do you get your wallpaper on your MFT?
I "thought" I could just use a usb cable from my laptop to the truck, but I couldn't get the truck to see my laptop.
