Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Has A Radio Controlled Vehicle?

Who Has/Plays with an R/C?

  • Yes, I have and play with an R/C!

    Votes: 159 75.0%
  • I want to get one!

    Votes: 44 20.8%
  • Those are stupid KID toys! I wouldn't be caught dead within 50 feet of one!

    Votes: 6 2.8%
  • My spouse has one.

    Votes: 3 1.4%

  • Total voters
I've got a Traxxus Rustler, but it needs a new speed control on it.

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I have 2 R/C cars.
I have a old school T-Maxx that I have built custom parts for and it also has insane metal shocks with piggybacks.
Then I have an HPI RS4 micro with a big block motor.

Originally posted by GIJOE
I have 2 R/C cars.
I have a old school T-Maxx that I have built custom parts for and it also has insane metal shocks with piggybacks.
Then I have an HPI RS4 micro with a big block motor.

One of these days I wany to get me on of thoses HPI Micro's, I used to have a tamiya micro with a 12 turn motor in it.

We have 4 (My son & I)
Nitro Stampede (Mine, several mod's to include Turbo treated engine)
Electric S10 (Mine, As fast as my turbo'd Stampede Without the stance for cornering heh)
Electric Stampede (Sons, ESC and upgraded Motor)
Nitro Rustler (Sons, Still Stock)


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Son's Stampede being confused.. "Am I plane or a truck??


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Mike H.
I usually build my own planes........every type and size out there. Been flying models for over 30 years.
These new electric backyard flyers are really cool. Never thought I'd like them, but they are simple, fairly low cost, and best of all, hassle free.
My son and I are chasing each other with Hobby Zone Aerobirds. They are a COMPLETE kit...ready to fly in a couple minutes.
I don't usually have much luck with these ready to fly models, but I am impressed with this thing.
As a beginner, it helps to have someone who has flown before. Even as an Air Force pilot with a lot of flying time...I find these things fly much differently.
The good thing about the Aerobird......it is the ONLY airplane I have ever flown that I THINK a newcommer could fly without help. IT is that good!
Anyway, it someone does decide to fly one, I would still ask for suggestions from an experienced person first. I have taught many people to fly models. Very good hobby.
A possible link to check these out:
I purchased mine through this guy at a discount rate:
He ONLY recommends the aerobird...the others don't fly as well.
Send me a note if you have more questions.


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Siekyre- How did you Turbo the engine of your nitro stampede?

with rc engines there isnt a turbocharger, its merely a way that the fuel is introduced and combusted...... they have turbo sparkplugs that a very finnicky about tuning and are more for veteran racers/tuners

ok lets start the list.... i all started with the tyco r/c car the HI-JACKER..... hehe it was sooo bad ass.... hit this button and BOOM insta LIFT :) then it went on to the radio shack buggies..... then to the koysho BIG BRUTE, then a koysho rustler ST, then a origonal HPI RS4 with no options.... lol then now i got a nitro RS4 with ball bearings a .15 nitro star motor, 2 speed tranny, composite brake... and more goodies with a t/a body.... :) hella fast... will hit bout 65 or 70 mph :) but i cant drive it that fast hard to control.... :)

I have a R/C Camoflage HumVee... my dog didnt like it but I loved it... had it out a couple times on the lawn/driveway but mostly ran it through rooms on the first floor for fun. :)

I have some electric planes. A Zagi 400, an Omega, and a Swift. These are all 400 powered small planes. Lots 'O fun!!

ok i love these thing's..! can some tell me where i could find a 4x4 gas powered truck with alot of low end? i want to take it out in snow.mud/sand/dirt..what would be the best for this and what kinda price am i lookng at?? thank's


- i've seen some home converted rockcrawlers in a rc magazine. most people seem to go for solid axles such as the kyosho mad force or tamyia clod buster.
other than solid axles you want to regear, run empty tires (no foam insert) and get some loose springs. locking the diffs is an easy oneway conversion.:p

this will probably set you back 500 bucks though....

if you're lucky you might find a vintage offroader on ebay.
they are elctric but still pretty cool!
check this link:

good luck!

Just recently bought a cheap little NICCO R/C Harley Davidson Edition F-150. Doesn't go very fast, has offroad tires, but is 2x4. Just kids stuff compared to what you guys got. Already thinking about tinkering around in it to make it go faster. It's electric of course.

I have 2 HPI nitro cars (1 belt driven the other is shaft drive) both are 4wd both kick ass next is a 1/4 scale truck with a chainsaw engine powering it!:D

I've got a few.

XmodRC 1/28th scale:
Acura RSX
Nissan Skyline GT-R R34

Nitro 1/10th scale:
Traxxas Nitro Rustler
Schumaker Daytona

Electric 1/10th scale:
Tamiya Nissan Skyline GT-R R32

I had a coupla other Traxxas electric trucks, they weren't that great. I really enjoy the Rustler.

Tamiya Skyline ...


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Traxxas rustler.....Very cool.
