who has the most ttb/independent flex?? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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who has the most ttb/independent flex??

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Paul B. has 22" of usable 4wd travel.

Beams widened 3" per side
Swingset steering




I was talking about the one here. I love this bumper. Is it custom? Can I buy it somewhere?


I dont see a bumper when I look at that pic, not until you pointed it out!!

I think the bumper design has changed a bit since that pic was taken? no? LOL

It figures whenever something good shows up for our trucks it is gone just as quick.
example: all clear tail lights

I don't wheel the explorer much, but here is my BII with out of the box tuff country and stock arms:


I was talking about the one here. I love this bumper. Is it custom? Can I buy it somewhere?

i was going to ask the same thing, eff.... friend of mine was about to weld me a bumper similar to the ones shown above till i saw this posting, bah

Yeah it looks good. Too bad they could have made a few thousand off the readers of this forum.

i was going to ask the same thing, eff.... friend of mine was about to weld me a bumper similar to the ones shown above till i saw this posting, bah

since we are on a bit of a tangent on Paul B's bumper, I stumbled across his (old?) steering setup and I though I'd share. Click this linky. Pretty damn sweet! (tangent off) More ttb flex please!

I know this is off topic but does anybody have specs on the swingset steering setup shown in the above link? What would be involved in building something like this? Does anbody know where one of these setups could be purchased for a decent price?


Not my best flex pic, this was taken quite a few years ago just after the Cut & Turn was done, rolling on 33's


That's flexing out the rear axle, not really the TTB :p:

My old '94 with a 5.5 Superlift on it:


i dont have numbers but heres a few pictures




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Here is our flex with the latest set of mods..

Truckhaven-mlk 2012 -5 by maniak_az, on Flickr

Close up of the front suspension on an RTI type ramp..

Close-up-front-suspension-RTI by maniak_az, on Flickr

Front mods:
Custom, Extended Radius Arms using Ballistic Joints on the end
F-250 shock mounts with 999012 Rancho shocks (13" stroke), 19" compressed, 32" extended
BTF Cut/Turned Axle beams - cut/turned at lower ball joint
Duff 3.5" lift progressive rate springs
F-150 lower coil mounts (spacers)
Dropped pitman arm (fa400)
C-clip eliminator (external style)
Rancho steering stabalizer (doesn't do anything for flex)
Custom, extended brake lines

I think that's it for the front "suspension" mods..

No one had a tape measure so I don't know what the RTI score was..

My limiting factor on flex now is the springs. I need some longer springs. I haven't decided what to replace it with yet. Of course, If I get much more flex, I'll need even longer brake lines.

