Why no Ex Love from Ford in Commercials? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why no Ex Love from Ford in Commercials?


February 27, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Ford Explorer
I watch a lot of college football which btw is the only tme I see Ford commercials. The Built Ford Tough commercial currently being featured has no Explorer. I just dont understand how even internal to Ford why the opinion of the Ex has fallen so far from the 2nd Gen Ex to the 6th Gen Ex.

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I wonder if brand loyalty was stronger when the 2nd gen was being built vs now with the 6th gen? The 5th gen being wrong wheel drive didn't help either.

I watch a lot of college football which btw is the only tme I see Ford commercials. The Built Ford Tough commercial currently being featured has no Explorer. I just dont understand how even internal to Ford why the opinion of the Ex has fallen so far from the 2nd Gen Ex to the 6th Gen Ex.
tbf in the 90s/early 2ks everybody had an explorer 1st gen or 2nd gen after that they began to fall a bit in popularity, and now they just arent a standout except as interceptors. id say i see an equal share of highlander pilot and explorer here, so they probably have other stuff to promote such as f series ranger etc.

It just seems like the Ex is completely forgotten. They even feature Rangers in the commercials.

It just seems like the Ex is completely forgotten. They even feature Rangers in the commercials.
Maybe Ford treats the explorer like Ferrari does it's cars. You never see ads from them.

I believe it's just the time we live in now. Everybody wants something small and economical, like an escape and so on, or they want a truck to haul there **** with. I believe the perfect family nowadays is 3, So people look at a 3 row vechile as unnecessary. Also everybody looks harshly on explorer's as exploders. Just my 2 cents I see a bunch of them around these parts. It is something to think about but this gen is a little old compared to the ranger, escape, that just got refreshed, and ford always pushes the f150.


Sure sure...
Yeah, I'm talking out the wrong end, but when I think of Ford, it's F150 and/or explorer. I don't need an ad to let me know those models exist.

I get that which is why I went from a 2005 Explorer to a 2021 Explorer. Totally get it from an enthusiast standpoint. I am talking about Ford promotes their products which seems like they only care about the F Series the Bronco and the Mustang.

An Explorer Raptor would have been nice as well. Just saw the Ranger version.
No!!! Ford doesn't need to mess up the Raptor name by putting it on a crossover like toyota did the the TRD offroad. And gm did the at4. If you want something capable and needs three rows get an expedition timberline and deal with the gas tank.

No!!! Ford doesn't need to mess up the Raptor name by putting it on a crossover like toyota did the the TRD offroad. And gm did the at4. If you want something capable and needs three rows get an expedition timberline and deal with the gas tank.

No!!! Ford doesn't need to mess up the Raptor name by putting it on a crossover like toyota did the the TRD offroad. And gm did the at4. If you want something capable and needs three rows get an expedition timberline and deal with the gas tank.
Or ford needs to bring the everest over here.

I had to research this. In 2021 the Explorer was Ford's #2 seller only outsold by the F series. That covers a lot of vehicles from F150s on up.

Ford F-Series
Total sales, 2021: 726,003

Ford Explorer
Total sales, 2021: 219,871

Ford Escape
Total sales, 2021: 145,415

Ford Bronco Sport
Total sales, 2021: 108,169

Ford Transit
Total sales, 2021: 99,745

I don't remember seeing advertising for any ICE vehicles other than pickup trucks. Only anecdotal evidence, but it seems to me that car advertising has declined in general. This year I went to the L.A. Auto Show; which used to be huge; and it was really boring. Only European brand was VW. No Lincoln. Many of the cars looked like clones of each other. We left after 30 minutes.
