"Will This Work" | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Will This Work"

Think this will work?

Last picture is Winter's new work-out equipment


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Paul...they may be a bit big:rolleyes: but I have a set of stock spare 04+ f-150 head lights. You can try them and if they will work for you, I'll sell them to you dirt cheap....Sense you gave me a deal on the tires and all;)


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wow great idea.....remove street fascia for rock crawling mode

I now officially hate you and your truck and winter for building it

this thing is amazing, as if it needed more amazing stuff

Hey Paul....Still got the original gas tank lying around? We need a newer tank for the ranger...although I'm not sure a Ex tank will fit in a Reg cab Ranger:scratch:

Very cool. Can't wait to see it finished.

Hey Paul....Still got the original gas tank lying around? We need a newer tank for the ranger...although I'm not sure a Ex tank will fit in a Reg cab Ranger:scratch:

Nope, got rid of it a long time ago.

We found this 2001 Ranger grille and hood to use on the Explorer. With a few modification's, this will probably be the street legal look. We like how the center grille angle's, which will go nicely with the narrow bumper (the same one as the rear bumper) and the narrow hood line (the hood will be cut to have that taper look when it's in the rock mode, and when in the street mode it will look stock just like the picture.) Though cut pieces will come off with the wheel well pieces, so the front tire's will be completely exposed for better wheel travel. The front Ranger headlite's will also come off when in the rock mode, that's where the Prowler headlites take over.



...I like that front end a lot...:D

Beyond awesome, Paul! I just want to know who thought up that concept, and what they were on? ;)

Beyond awesome, Paul! I just want to know who thought up that concept, and what they were on? ;)

Bill, Winter came up with the general concept, I came up with using the Prowler headlites for the aggressive look that Winter was trying to go for in the rock mode. We both do a lot of brain storming to come up with the concept's that are bring this project together. More picture's will be coming on the new 4 link system Winter is working on right now. Amazing fabication work.:eek:



The more you're describing this thing, the more I suspect it deserves a full-blown writeup in a major magazine.

The new towing vehicle! I think it will do the job! :D:eek:






...Paul, I seen it from the street when I went by this a.m....That would look cool with a black box trailer with the transformer logo on it like Dannyboy suggested...:thumbsup:

Paul, I like..... That thing looks mean......

Winter, did you ever come up with a paint scheme for this thing when the time comes for paint?

okAY SO WE ARE GOING TO HAVe Jurrasic park Ex and transformer Ex out at truck haven.... anybody else going to build a "theme" truck?

Hell yeah! I call dibbs on "Escape from LA"!! LOL


Making "theme parks" look lame with this crew....theme truck = way more fun

I look at the new super duty and think "congrats Paul thats a wicked rig!", but its still pales in comparison to the Explorer IMO.
This build is my fav to date for sure, still rockin the TTB even..

...Paul, I seen it from the street when I went by this a.m....That would look cool with a black box trailer with the transformer logo on it like Dannyboy suggested...:thumbsup:

Reflective vinyl of the transformers logo :D That ought to turn some heads at night

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No not yet, although I have been looking a some vintage color schemes form 60's race car cobra/gt-40/Boss stangs and I want to use gloss black with satain black lay-over. Part of me wants to do a colorful scheme and I would if it doesn't look cheezy.....
