X-Ville: The Saga Continues... | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...

meanwhile, xlt4x491 has had an idea to start an Explorer Football team, he wants to get the team organized quickly to be able to play in the 2004 nfl season, he has high hopes of winning a super bowl for the town of X-ville, who will be the qb,rb,wr,etc?

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This is no time to talk football and franchises!! We got a crises on our hands!! On second thought, if we had a stadium, that would be the ideal meeting place....

The Mayor quickly hires a company to build a military command center under the nearby mountain. He names it EXPLORAD.

C'Mon guys, we can go meet there!

We all go to EXPLORAD and everyone is sitting around in silence. :confused:

Mayor Webster speaks up and says "anyone remember why we are all here?" We all sit around in the silence wondering "why are we here?"

Because the hooters girl brought free hot wings, and who would miss free hotwings?

Now I remember. Opening of EXPLORAD included hotwings and hooters girls.....300+ lb fat chicks will never go near this site then.
